Military on ET, SOUND OFF

Discussion in 'Politics' started by oddiduro, Apr 17, 2008.

  1. Nice job Skids, glad to see you finally showing a little respect to those who served. How old are you? They take 'em all the way up to 43 these days, never to late to do something meaningful for your country.

    William Rennick USN Ret. :cool:
    #51     Apr 20, 2008
  2. achilles28


    The Military Oath ASSUMES defense of the Constitution and loyalty to the President to be synonymous, at all times.

    Since the Constitution remains unchanged, only the Government can break that relationship between themselves and the Bill of Rights.

    This happens all the time, to lesser degrees.

    But with Martial Law, instead of etching away, year-by-year, at various Amendments or clauses within Amendments, they'll just nullify and scrap entire thing.

    At that point America is dead.

    To answer your question - the Military must refuse to enforce martial law when they get tapped.

    Easier said than done. In a post-nuke America, citizens will be scared shitless and BEG for martial law and military on the streets.

    The fact of the matter - there is no border security. Thousands of illegals and millions of tons of cargo enter this Country everyday --- totally off the scope of Government radar -- and the Executive Branch, who constantly issues dire warnings of the next impending attack, does absolutely sweet fuck all about it.

    What does that tell you?

    What does that tell anyone with two friggin brain cells to rub together?

    That this whole thing - this entire war on terror - is a complete and utter joke.

    Its not about security. Its about consolidating power and control.

    Its about training the American public to love checkpoints and men in black masks, to submit to incessant face scans and Government prying, to hype a climate of paranoia where everyone is reduced to sniveling little tattle-tales and wanna-be Jack Baurers, spying on their family and turning in their neighbors to get strokes from Big Brother.
    #52     Apr 20, 2008
  3. I think you confuse those who have a chapter in their lives of which they may be proud from everyone who took 10 grade civics and a movie script called "Seven days in May."

    I'm just saying.

    #53     Apr 20, 2008
  4. achilles28


    Don't matter if most of the guys on the thread are long since discharged.

    If shit hits the fan, the average pleb is gonna need a Few Good Men to stand up and Do The Right Thing.

    Hows that for movie dropping? lol.

    Seriously though, retired marine, navy, cop, national guard. whatever. That fateful day is -- as Cheney loves to remind us -- "right around the corner. "

    The Country will need those Patriots to lead and remind everyone they fought FOR THE CONSTITUTION, not to trash it.
    #54     Apr 20, 2008
  5. True statement brother. Some can't understand it.
    #55     Apr 20, 2008
  6. Question...sorry for the bother. It's a question that I ask occasionally to some people for various reasons....did you serve anywhere on the planet in any capacity for any reason at any time?

    #56     Apr 21, 2008
  7. achilles28


    No, I haven't.

    Why does it matter?
    #57     Apr 21, 2008
  8. It doesn't really...just curious to know where everyone stands.
    #58     Apr 21, 2008
  9. Military personnel. Thank you for your duty and service to your country and countrymen.
    #59     Apr 21, 2008
  10. Achilles, first you say that you are surprised at my Presidential fealty, then you admit, one post later that the military ASSUMES defence of the constitution and loyalty to the president to be synonymous(sp) at all times.

    Contrary to popular belief, the military is not a bunch of mindless robots. There were many soldiers in the present Iraq conflict that refused to fight. Some of them were decorated Marines.

    I now believe that you are a Patriot, that fears that our President will turn on us one day.

    I visited the Lincoln memorial last summer, as I live in Illinois. Many people felt that Lincoln had betrayed America when he emancipated the slaves. He caught incredible heat. They hated him.

    The reason that the Union Army fought on is because of the loyalty to the commander in chief, and the belief that the will of the people lies in that commander in chief. I don't know if you know your history, but the Confederates were handing the Union Army their asses for quite awhile. If Gettysburg had gone differently, the Confederates would likely have won the war.

    The Union Army knew this, but they fought on, and for what?

    Because that is the oath that they took.
    #60     Apr 21, 2008