Middle class revolt

Discussion in 'Economics' started by dddooo, Sep 20, 2005.

  1. oh great everyone become self employed...good luck competing with Wal Mart.... Pornography...hmmmm well you may have soemthing there..that and financial service scams is what America produces now...so yes I think majoring in Porn entertainment at state U may be a better major than computer science.at least until Indian Porn chicks start competing with American skanks...

    #241     Oct 5, 2006
  2. the median income in the US is 44k, and among the top few in the world. now people across the world are willing to do their jobs for less, so people have to either take less to compete with those willing to do their jobs, work more, or improve their skill level to earn the same or more, not bang on the table for more money.

    we have people making 40k, paying little to no taxes, then claiming they are poor. maybe they should look around at the rest of the world to see what well off and poor really means.
    #242     Oct 5, 2006

  3. It is obtuse attitudes and beliefs by Americans like this that are part of the reason for all of this country's problems...not sure if it is white guilt , greed, or just another cancer the baby boomers have left in the system...mortgage broker or daytrader?
    #243     Oct 5, 2006