Mid-East Peace: A Viable Solution

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Aristocrat, Jul 18, 2006.

  1. fhl


    I wonder if you all would be happy if Israel were just indiscriminately lobbing missiles at the rate of one per minute into Lebanon. ( a proportionate response) Does anyone think the harpies would shut up?
    #11     Jul 19, 2006
  2. Or given the fact that there are 300 million muslims and 5 million jews in the Middle East killing 60 arabs for each dead jew seems to be quite proportional.
    #12     Jul 19, 2006
  3. You have already said that! To me that is shifting the responsibility.... you attack and you kill civilians in a totally disproportionate manner and that is bottom line

    Seriously, after your accurate information provided above I kind of feel sorry for jews because they are always under attack for no reason !!

    You probably meant aggression by jews, sorry, I know they are innocent and get attacked for no reason! never mind
    #13     Jul 19, 2006
  4. fhl


    They are attacked because they exist. To say otherwise is just to hallucinate. Now, tell me, is the fact that Israel is a country a reason?
    #14     Jul 19, 2006
  5. I am not sure what the reasons are, but I am sure killing civilians is not the way to exist... and that goes to jews and their neighbors!!
    #15     Jul 19, 2006
  6. Who gives a shit what it is to you, you are an antisemitic ignoramus who failed to respond to a single point I made, your opinion is worthless if you can't even defend it. Go read a book or two before making an ass out of yourself in a public forum like this.
    #16     Jul 19, 2006
  7. As previous posters pointed out, civilians die because these terrorist organizations place their military facilities (storehouses, etc) in heavily populated civilian locales. This is the equivilant of holding a baby in front of you as a bullet shield. It has no honor, is cowardice, and not at all what a "soldier of God" should be doing.

    These same organizations are quite aware that this causes civilian deaths - they cheer for it. Because every child, woman or civilian male that is killed and placed center stage by the media creates more outcry from the uninformed, like the poster of this thread, against Israel.

    Israel is doing it's best to defeat a foe that continues to attack it in a cowardly way, hiding amongst the very same women and children who support it naively, waving green banners and chanting the names of the leaders of these organizations.

    And, to the original thought of "Just Remove Israel and all the problems in the middle east will vanish" I ask: Is it possible that you can be that stupid? Is it possible that any human being can be that dumb? Do you honestly think removing Israel will stop the terrorists from continuing on to the next level of Western Democracy that they hate? Of course not. All it will do is move the conflict abroad.

    It amazes me how many are so clueless in this world. The terrorists will not stop - ever - until radical Islam rules everywhere. That is their creed, that is their belief.
    #17     Jul 19, 2006
  8. Wow you must feel good:) grow up, I am more educated than you with your small thinking and vision will ever be!!

    I responded to your points by saying they are full ****. If you cant even understand that then I cant really clarify anything any further.
    #18     Jul 19, 2006
  9. Eagle Eye, your entire premise in this thread is that Israel has no right to kill civilians. What you're failing to see is that they are not out to kill civilians. The civilian deaths that occur, do so because of the nature of the terrorist organization they are combatting. The natue of the organization to hide amongst the civilian population, place their missles in it's schools, place their fighters in heavily concentrated downtown areas. How is this Israel's fault?

    Civilian deaths occur in ANY conflict. They are deplorable, but they are a part of conflict. It happens. The objective is to minimize it as much as possible. But that is not the objective of these terrorist organizations. Their objective is to maximize it. I do not see you complaining about how Hezbollah lobs rockets indiscriminantly into Jewish cities. You think they care even 1/10th as much as Israel does in making sure civilians do not get hurt? Yet not one comment about them, right?

    Hezbollah isn't attacking military targets. Hezbollah is attacking anything that moves in Israel. They don't care if it's a bus full of school children, or a tank.

    Why can't you see this?
    #19     Jul 19, 2006
  10. Once again we hear the mantra of the right wingers, "Their wrong makes our wrongs right."

    #20     Jul 19, 2006