Michelle Williams...Commodity Trader and Actress

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by Maverick74, Jul 4, 2012.

  1. Maverick74


  2. Larry traded the account, 100%. She had zero input.
  3. Maverick74


    You think so?

    To what purpose?

    They were estranged at that point.
  4. Yeah, it's not a big revelation, but I had drinks with a CTA that traded for LW who told me the story. Take it for what it's worth.
  5. Maverick74


    I would have to take that with a grain of salt. Legal emancipation is pretty serious. I have a hard time believing that while under federal investigation for tax evasion that he would violate a court order and impersonate an individual who he no longer had legal association with. Especially knowing that she could have come forward and put the guy away. They were NOT on good terms. Not saying it's not possible but it would have to go down as one of the dumbest things one could do especially since the guy was desperately trying to re-build his reputation. Anything is possible I suppose.

    I just can't figure out what he would have to gain. BTW, this was done with real money, not a sim account. So God knows how many federal violations this would violate. There is just no upside to this. He wouldn't even legally be able to get the money.
  6. Hypothetically, he would have ALOT to gain. Namely that his trading knowledge was transferable; most notably to his teenage daughter. If that isn't a strong selling point, then I don't know what is...
  7. Point-taken, but would he enter a trading competition under persona non grata conditions such as those you mention above?
  8. Maverick74


    Perhaps, but Larry admitted in the press he got lucky in 87 when he won. And an actress winning? Most people would think that was a fluke. In fact, most those people who win are really just lucky, even if they are really good traders. Just the % returns alone tell you how lucky they are. But you would risk going to federal prison just on the off chance that people would view your skills as transferable?
  9. Maverick74


    Probably not but honestly at the time, he had a lot more serious things to worry about then a two bit trading challenge. LOL. I don't know the guy personally and don't really feel strongly either way. To me it just seems stupid to take that kind of risk. The guy was already doing OK on the public speaking circuit.
  10. Bud, he friggin fled to Australia too. I wouldn't characterize the guy's actions as a paragon of logical behavior.
    #10     Jul 4, 2012