Michelle throws a hissy fit after being heckled

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Max E., Jun 5, 2013.

  1. Max E.

    Max E.

    I find this pretty funny, seeing as how a main part of her and her scumbag husbands campaign was seeing to hit that radical left wingers show up to heckle romney at all his rallies. Of course, the whitehouse simply scrubbed it from the transcript as if it never happened.

    Michelle Obama loses her cool: First Lady threatens to leave fundraiser after lesbian protester heckles her - and the White House deletes exchange from official transcript

    First lady Michelle Obama's speech at a Washington D.C. political fundraiser was interrupted by a lesbian protester on Tuesday night, and she threatened to leave the event if the gay rights activist wasn't forced to leave. But the official White House transcript doesn't indicate anything about the heckler or Mrs Obama's audible reaction.

    While the first lady was speaking to approximately 200 Democratic Party loyalists who paid up to $10,000 to attend the event at the upmarket Washington home of a wealthy lesbian couple, the protester interrupted with demands that the president issue an executive order forcing federal contractors to stop discriminating against gay and transgendered job applicants.

    Amanda Terkel, a Huffington Post scribe who served as the night's 'pool' reporter, wrote that the '[m]ost notable part of the event was an interruption from a protester about 12 minutes into the 20-minute speech. A pro-LGBT rights individual standing at the front began shouting for an executive order on gay rights.'

    '"One of the things I don't do well (among many, many others) is this," replied FLOTUS to loud applause,' according to Terkel. 'She left the lectern and moved over to the protester, saying they could "listen to me or you can take the mic, but I'm leaving. You all decide. You have one choice."'

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...change-official-transcript.html#ixzz2VLkmzqJc
  2. Ricter


    You don't sound in good humor. Again.
  3. damn she went totally BANANAS.
  4. pspr


    The heckler should have told her to leave if she was such a chicken shit. If you can't take the heat get the hell out of the kitchen.
  5. Great response by The First Lady,one of the best ever against a heckler.
  6. pspr


    Only because the heckler didn't accept her offer and take the mike.

    Dumb LGBT heckler.
  7. pspr


    I guess threatening to leave wasn't the right choice Me-Chelle.

    The official White House transcript of the first lady’s remarks did not include the portion of the event during which (Me-Chelle) Obama threatened to leave.
  8. Lucrum


    And their decline continues...

  9. VVV1234


    She put a dike in the mouth of that dike!