Michael Moore on Venezuela

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Max E., Apr 23, 2017.

  1. Max E.

    Max E.

    Funny how quickly the commies like Sean Penn and Michael Moore have went mum on venezuela when communism failed for the millionth time in a row.


    Worked like a Charm Mike.

    traderob, Clubber Lang and Tom B like this.
  2. Max E.

    Max E.

  3. Cuddles


    The sad thing is I've seen a few of Chavez's interviews. The dude truly came off as sincere and caring, and it's not the 1st quasi-dictator I've seen with similar views (contrast w/Putin for instance). Too bad they habitually choose the wrong political ideology and dabble in conspiracies.
  4. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    Sometimes a benevolent dictator is the best thing for a country. Unfortunately, that whole pesky thing about mortality tends to mean that's not a sustainable strategy.
  5. Arnie


    The road to hell is paved by people with good intentions.
    Max E. likes this.
  6. gwb-trading


  7. The thing that is weird about Venezuela is that it has the largest proven oil reserves in the world- yes, including Saudi Arabia. That's right, you heard me. A lot of wackjob countries dont survive because they dont have anything anyone wants and unless you can get the gringos to go there on vacation the Great Revolution is broke. But Venezuela screwed it up to the point where they can't even get the oil out of the ground anymore. You know there used to be a quip that said that if the communists took over a country in the sahara desert that people would be standing in line for a cup of sand. Venezuela is Exhibit A. Oil up the ying yang and dead broke.

    Meanwhile...............I wonder how many the Canadians will take.

    Clubber Lang likes this.

  8. Hugo Chavez;s daughter is the richest person in Venezuela. Coincidence? Let the viewers decide.

    Socialism has always been a good gig if you are on the right end of it. The other end- not so much.

    Clubber Lang likes this.