Michael Moore On Rush Limfattybawwww

Discussion in 'Politics' started by OPTIONAL777, Mar 6, 2009.

  1. Michael Moore is the kind of person we need. Not many people had the guts to mock "W" in 2004. Kicking W when he was on his way out and clearly unpopular took no risk.

    His book on the biggest buffoon GM ever had (Roger Smith) is spot on.

    Michael Moore frequently exaggerates things to make a point. But he does not fundamentally distort the reality. If something is evil, he won't make it appear to be holly and vice versa.
    #11     Mar 6, 2009
  2. wjk


    Is that a fact? Let's start with Cuban healthcare. He didn’t distort the reality of the healthcare system down there. He just failed to address the majority of it.


    I wonder which makes better propaganda. The distortion of fact or the elimination of it.
    #12     Mar 6, 2009
  3. Fact: American's don't live as long as they should. For a country with the supposed "#1 health care system in the world" it is not a pretty stat.

    Trying to make Cuban health care some kind of miracle is one of the exaggerations I mentioned. The problem here is that US health care has great many flaws and those need to be illustrated and highlighted otherwise Americans will think US system is head and shoulders above everyone else.

    The point of Fahrenheit 9/11 was that W was a corrupt, incompetent, degenerate who stole the 2000 election. That fits reality 100%.

    The point of "Sicko" was that US health care system was created out of greed and that has serious consequences on an industry that is supposed to be egalitarian.
    #13     Mar 6, 2009
  4. wjk


    He didn't exaggerate. According to the report I posted, he was shown the healthcare for the elite, not the common man. I'm not opposed to healthcare for all. We need it.

    If members of congress can design a system that retains free choice, keeps bureaucrats from making decisions, and is a system where they do not have a separate system for themselves, I’m all for it. Let them design a system that brings the lowest level of care up to the best, not the other way around. I don’t believe government is capable of that.

    Let Moore go to the worst hospitals, not the best. Let’s see what he has to say then.
    #14     Mar 6, 2009
  5. In America right now, the poor and uninsured can't afford to go to any hospital beyond the emergency room...and then they can easily get sued into BK by the hospital trying to collect the emergency visit costs.

    #15     Mar 6, 2009
  6. wjk


    I believe the idea from the administration expanding community health centers is a good start to the problem. It would begin to address these concerns.
    #16     Mar 6, 2009
  7. Wallet


    Moore, Limbaugh, as well as a few other spokespeople, along with a few action agency's, care nada, zip about anyone other than themselves, their ratings and keeping themselves in the public eye.

    Always stirring the pot, antagonizing, and encouraging the social/government problems they oppose, for no other reason to create a need for their yap.

    If you cant think for yourself and form your own opinions.......then by all means.

    Baaahhhh Baaahhhh stay in the barn.
    #17     Mar 6, 2009
  8. In what kind of a shithole do you live that San Diego County doesn't provide free health care to the poor? L.A.-USC serves up 800,000 pro bono cases a year. Cook County in Chicago similar numbers.

    I've said this a million times. The poor should get free health care and it should be administered locally with Federal dollars. It wouldn't cost much more than what's being spent by the cities now. But the Democrats aren't TRULY ABOUT helping poor people on the streets. Their agenda is to OWN healthcare and the million or so Federal jobs that will go with it's management.

    Big Brother should care nothing about how Pabst is insured-that's the onus on Pabst. Nor should they care about costs. Who is Congress to start setting wage guidelines for medical professionals? All the government should concern itself is making sure the emerging Tent City class can get bare boned free health care. You people are delusional. WE'RE HEADED INTO A MEGA-DEPRESSION! Is that not obvious to you dolts? The world doesn't have enough money to float every developed nations deficit whims. It's batten down the hatches time not OVERHAUL time. THIS is the kind of "Obama" talk that has the market at 670. Debtor Nation talks National Health. LMAO.........

    And Moore is a stooge.

    #18     Mar 6, 2009
  9. "800,000 pro bono cases a year."

    Do you have a clue what the actual population of Los Angeles County is, including all the illegals, and you think 800,000 cases is high?

    Think the poor get all their prescription drugs for free, all the necessary surgery for free, etc?

    I see more references by you to Pabst, speaking in the third person again?

    What is the problem old man?


    #19     Mar 6, 2009
  10. "Pabst" is a legitimate character with built in audience. I quote him liberally....

    #20     Mar 7, 2009