Miami Dade Country raising property taxes due to Budget issues. How about yours??

Discussion in 'Economics' started by jueco2005, Jun 19, 2009.

  1. A out of contol unionized bureacracy with cadillac benefits is part of the problem. Why does Dallas ISD need to pay someone 200K to help communicate it's policies? Because for every 1 teacher, there are 10 useless bureaucrats sitting around watching porn on the internet. Everyone complains about teachers yet no one complains about the useless dead weight who do nothing. Not to mention the woman in question has dubious qualifications that does not warrant a 200K salary. I wouldn't be surprised to find out there is some back door connection between the new school super and this woman.

    However the bigger problem is someone has to eventually pay for the $Trillion a year spent in global war games and for the manufactured interest due on out of control debt being created to fund these war games that don't benefit anyone but a few sick sad fucks out to control global resources.

    Biggest problem is the incompetent voter electing equally incompetent fucks everywhere based on shit core issues of getting hand-outs and the regular fucked issues of god, gays, guns. A sick culture of ignorance is now celebrated that has infested and permeated every level of society. Now things are so fucked that no one has any solutions but to blame someone else while they stuff their own pockets.
    #61     Jun 12, 2012
  2. +1

    Good synopsis.
    #62     Jun 12, 2012
  3. Stok


    JPM has a report coming out saying unfunded liabilities for states/muni's for pensions is $4T....yes, that is a T for trillion.

    The amount of back scratching between unions and democrats is coming home to roost. The raping and pillaging of our States by the unions for $$ and the dem's for votes is coming to an end...and it will end badly for everybody.

    Pretty sad.
    #63     Jun 13, 2012
  4. Truly appreciating information. That’s what we will essentially be looking at very closely over the next few months. The state of the property market will be determined by interest, unemployment rates and how the government plans to balance the shortage.
    #64     Jun 18, 2012
  5. +1T( yes. that is a Trillion.)

    there are cracks in the armour. but the future obligations are so huge. that it is in EVERYONEs interest to kick the ball down the road. No one can face the reality. when this explodes. it will make 2008 .look like a walk in the park.. i mean all the unfunded liabilities
    #65     Jun 18, 2012
  6. Ed Breen

    Ed Breen

    The most nasty part of this and why the issue of unfunded pensions is in this propertry tax discussion thread is that it sets up a conflict at the local municipal level. Unionized municipal workers, including Teachers are pitted in conflict with local property owners. The main funding mechanism to pay these exploding pensions and medical costs is through property tax. Municipalities were thoughtless in thinking that property inflation would increase forever and that more and more revenue could be extracted from property tax simply through the increase in nominal value of the property. Property tax is unique in that it does not require new legislation to raise, you just reassess and then set a new mill rate at the amount of you budget needs. The budget is the issue subject to vote and in that forum there will be competition between the Unions, Parents, Private Retirees, Public Retirees, Police and Local Businessess...tearing more severly at the fabric of the local communities. The problem as this thread illustrates is that where property values are declining the property tax mill rates have to rise that property owners whose property wealth is being decimated are asked to pay more and more tax on the depreciating this dynamic proceeds it becomes self reinforcing and the increased property tax begins to destroy the property value...especially where more than half the municipal budget is goind into pensions and not into safety, schools, roads or parks...which will have to face budget cuts. The property owners will then be fighting the municipal employees and the renters in trying to keep taxes down by cutting spending and making pensioners and retirees pay more of their benefits and redue their entitlements. It will pit private property owning retirees against retired police, fire, teachers, etc...just look at the press on Stockton California. This will be an unly process.
    #66     Jun 18, 2012
  7. I believe all public workers or those who are paid from taxes collected should receive public healthcare and retirement benefits period. Not one benefit better or more than the general public. ie. Medicare and Social Security. This includes all politicians and their staffs, all state and local govt employees, fire fighters, teachers, cops etc.

    If we take all the fat cat health and pension benefits and distribute them equally to our entire population then all seniors would be receiving 5K a month social security and medicare would over all health care expenses and drugs.

    Instead we have 2% of the public workers receiving insane benefits. A frickin niles school admin has a 27M individual pension! These unfunded pension and health benefits are socialism for a discrete class of citizens.
    There is nothing capatlistic about self dealing... in the private sector some of these offenses would be punishable by jail time not to mention the IRS actions.

    Since 45% of our tax payers / workforce are publicly funded workers paid from taxes it is only fair and prudent to establish one national healthcare and retirement plan for all citizens of the United States.

    #67     Jun 18, 2012
  8. Stok


    Yes it will.

    And remember, this is all due to decades of unions and democrats raping and pillaging the private sector (their neighbors) for $$ and votes.

    I still believe that as more and more private tax paying citizens (whether dem or repub) start to realize what has been going on, there will be a backlash against unions and the democrat party. More and more headlines about this are coming, because there is trillions of $$ unfunded in public sector union pensions and healthcare coming home to roost.

    But it may pit neighbor against neighbor when in all reality it should be private tax payers against union leaders/dem leaders who raped everyone.
    #68     Jun 18, 2012
  9. WS_MJH


    Sure, lots of 200-300k houses in TX, but also lots of 500-1 mil and above houses, too, esp in Dallas, Houston. At 2.5-3.5%, that's a substantial bill.
    #69     Jun 18, 2012
  10. Yes I agree that the property prices are rising rapidly day by day. Anyway if we look back 30 years ago property prices to compare with today's prices, the proof is property price does appreciate over the years.......but not across the board yet.
    #70     Jun 20, 2012