Methods for gaining muscle and losing fat

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by Baron, Jul 24, 2011.

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  1. Eight


    I stopped eating bread and cut back on the other starchy foods like baked/fired potatoes [mashed are lower on the glycemic index] and desserts.. also stopped drinking milk but use Half and Half on cereal and Almond or Coconut milk for coffee and sometimes cereal.. I'm down about ten pounds and heading for my "fighting weight" of 175, haven't been there in decades...

    I also reduced overall portions starting about the same time as cutting the bread/milk..
    #11     Jul 24, 2011
  2. is that really you ?

    look a little juiced there sheriff... your veins have veins

    if it is you, especially if natural, great work. you are making it happen... keep up the hard work
    #12     Jul 24, 2011
  3. Baron

    Baron ET Founder

    I implement a similiar low-carb strategy, but mine would be more accurately describe as a carb cutoff time of 6PM. So afte that time, none of the carbs you mentioned would be allowed. Before that however, I do have some carbs throughout the day to maintain energy and a balanced well being.

    I'll never forget when I did a super low-carb diet for like 4 months straight, and then I finally broke down one night on vacation and had a pasta dish. I swear, that was the closest feeling to an illegal drug that I have ever experienced. I'm talking head-to-toe body tingles for an hour straight. My body just didn't know what to do with those carbs except to say: "Hell Yeah!!!!" :D
    #13     Jul 24, 2011
  4. Baron

    Baron ET Founder

    Yeah, it's me.
    #14     Jul 24, 2011
  5. Seriously, great results congrats. Not easy to achieve those levels of leaness.
    I have seen many people get just about there and fail at the final stretch.
    The amount of mental discipline at that point to maintain the level of conditionong you have gets real tough.
    It takes some serious willpower to keep that and not give in to the crap foods, picking in between , and staying dediacted to the workouts... even on those days you are just not in the mood to do it, but you know it's time to fight that urge to skip and get in there and work hard as you can.
    Keep going strong in mind and body . Great discipline
    #15     Jul 24, 2011
  6. Baron, what will you do with all that muscle, you're married.
    #16     Jul 24, 2011
  7. ...keep his wife very happy :cool:
    #17     Jul 24, 2011
  8. That is a tremendously impressive pic. At first I heard the height and weight and didn't figure it was muscle, but now I get a better idea. Hard to believe you aren't under 8% body fat based on that pic.
    #18     Jul 24, 2011
  9. Baron, you look much different than when I saw you in Vegas, except for the long hair....... :)
    #19     Jul 24, 2011
  10. Any thoughts on adding muscle bulk? I don't want to do anything illegal, but I would like to add some muscle bulk. I used to be 6 ft, and am now 5'10", not sure what I have done to my spine or what to shrink 2". I'm only 47, and I run around 173lbs. I've been working out most of my life and I've never been able to add muscle bulk. I can get up to lifting fairly heavy weight, but it doesn't translate into much bulk for me. On the one hand it is kind of funny when people ask for help with something heavy and they think I can't help them, but I'm the one that ends up bearing the weight and taking care of whatever for them. I have a definite case of bird legs, but at the same time they are strong.
    My goal for July to August was to get my weight down to 165, and add muscle bulk. Any thoughts would be great.
    #20     Jul 24, 2011
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