
Discussion in 'Trading Software' started by elwoodygold, Mar 26, 2011.

  1. Hello, I have an old version of Metastock (7.03) from 2001, do you think there are a lot of differences with the softwares of today ?

    Any comments welcome...

  2. pspr


    Metastock v7.1 and up run OK. 7 is just as good as the newest version. Metastock has not kept up with features of other platforms since Reuters purchased the company. Since about ver. 7 mostly all that has been added are more indicators and systems that are useless.

    Programing language is easy to use
    Charts look clean
    Numerous indicators can be placed anywhere on the chart
    Custom indicators are easy to create and use
    Tons of custom indicators available free on-line
    Easily create/modify expert systems
    Various data vendor options

    Programing language is limited compared to many others
    No tick bar charts (just tick by tick) or trade volume bar charts
    Crashes if too many charts/indicators open or too much data
    Built in indicators are mostly worthless (same as others)
    Limited broker integration
    No market delta type charts
    Some versions have system tester flaws.

  3. can be helpful and adorable at times . :)
  4. Thank you pspr for your detailed remarks, so I think I will stay with current old Metastock for the moment.
  5. tim888


    16-year old software. What a loser....:)
  6. Ditto. I've been using MetaStock (realtime versions, RT and Pro) since before most ETers started trading.

    If you're SMART and have evolved to a "chart based, KISS, disciplined style", then MetaStock is almost perfect. I say "almost" because I find how it [Pro] handles "layouts" to be annoying (RT was MUCH better) .. such that I don't use them. Otherwise, it's been reliable and simple to use. And whatever MetaStock doesn't do is superfluous anyway.
  7. I didn't get upgrade after version 9.1 since I think the improvement is not that worth too .

    I have another question recently . Since I plan to upgrade from my window xp to window 7 and I would like to use the 64 version of it too . I know even it include a 32 bit version of window .
    Is there any problem to use my MS version 9.1 with a 64 bit windows ?

    Maybe I will buy multicharts later too . Will it be more efficient with a 64 bits window ? Or it is not good and better match with a 32 bit one .
    Can someone who get experience about it to share ?

    Thanks for giving your valuable opinions .
  8. hughb


    I currently use Telechart, but am thinking of switching to Metastock. There are some things I need to be able to do before I can make the switch though - I need to be able to throw out the closed end funds, (including ETF's), for seeing adv/dec and new hi/new lo. The main reason I'm thinking of switching though is to generate weekly reports. I want to print a list of new highs and new lows for the week but I want the stocks organized by sector. The list shows the name of the stocks and the sector they are in when I'm done. The problem with telechart is that I have to to it manually by exporting data to a spreadsheet and organize it, and it's too time consuming. I need to automate the process. Can Metastock do that?