MER fined 100million-postage cost last year 349 million

Discussion in 'Politics' started by bullmarket79, May 25, 2002.

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  1. trdrmac


    Charles Watson takes DYN from 50 to 8 and walks away with a $33,000,000 payday for his failure. Not to mention the $11,000,000 handout he got each year. I'm not sure which pisses me off more, this sort of stealing or someone who pays for their food with foodstamps and then hops in a new vette on the way out of the parking lot.

    Capitalism should be the most efficient way to allocate capital, unfortunately we have politicians that are funded by the Watson's of the world and an American public that is so politically correct that real meaningful change seems almost impossible.

    Maybe the next time a cashier gives me too much change I'll just keep it, no sense in having integrity if it doesn't pay dividends.
    #31     Jun 1, 2002

  2. what's the market on a clear conscience?

    "A good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children, and the wealth of the sinner is stored up for the righteous." - Proverbs 13:22
    #32     Jun 1, 2002
  3. trdrmac


    #33     Jun 1, 2002
    #34     Jun 1, 2002
    #35     Jun 1, 2002
  6. Chas is it really necessary to bring god into it on every second post??

    The beauty of democracy is that it isn't reliant on any god figure for its success. In fact, I would say that it succeeded in spite of him.
    #36     Jun 1, 2002
  7. That's probably a rhetorical question but may I answer it anyway? And please don't think I'm being sharp, I can't think of a better way to say it just now.

    I think you have an obvious prejudice. thank you for allowing me, in your concept of a democracy, to post according to the dictates of my conscience. Anything less would be a double standard, and that wouldn't be democratic, would it? Have I asked you why you <i>don't</i> 'include God in every second post'?

    My friend, I beg to differ with you on two points. First, if you are referring to the American system of government, it is not a 'democracy,' it is a Constitutional Republic based on elected representation and self-government. Second, the number of people who are smarter than you and certainly smarter than I am who attribute every success any people has ever known to the blessing of God Almighty is exhaustive.

    In fact, if one is faithfully logical, he will conclude that the success of a land based on 'self government' is at <i>least</i> directly proportional to the true honor of God -- the Author of natural law -- known by the people. I personally think it is geometrically proportional.

    Just my $.02 in response to your questions of me; some might argue that the 'why's' of my post are not relevant to this thread, however, though I am glad to answer.
    #37     Jun 2, 2002
  8. Rigel


    I think what's important is doing the best with what you have to work with. A slow man who tries to do good but can't is doing way better than a smart man who uses his mind to steal from others. He looks like he's the better man but he isn't really.
    #38     Jun 2, 2002
  9. Couple of things.

    1) People "smarter" than me.
    Intelligence, in terms of raw, computational brain power, is so overrated it's not funny. Nevertheless, various tests rank me in the top 5-10% of the population, and *I*, for one, attribute more than 50% of the worlds ills (now and in the past) to be a direct result of beliefs in god figures. (guess what, the list of people that agree with *me* is exhaustive too.)

    2) There are certain factions that would like to see America become the christian version of Iran. I remain ever vigilant of that threat. But, you seem harmless enough, so I'll let it go. Feel free (as is your perfect right) to post as you like.
    #39     Jun 2, 2002
  10. <i>"After 40 years as a pit trader, I've known hundreds of good traders. I believe that the common denominator among successful traders is an athletic background. Knowing how to lose and come back is the most important factor in trading....."</i>

    Herny S. Shatkin
    Shatkin, Arbor, Karlov, & Co.
    #40     Jun 2, 2002
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