Member Poll, How successful are we.

Discussion in 'Trading' started by Rigel, Dec 2, 2001.

  1. Rigel


    I think this poll might be beneficial to people considering trading for the first time. Sometimes the decision to start trading is has a lot riding on it, quitting jobs, etc.. Also, how long have you been trading. I've been at it for about 9 mo.
  2. Eldredge


    I appreciate Rigel starting this thread. I realize that personal finances aren't a topic for polite conversation, but it sure is helpful for a beginner to be able to see some successful traders that have been making a good living for a number of years. I would be very grateful to any of you that have been successful for several years if you would be willing to share what type of income you have been able to generate and what size of account you need to generate these profits.

    As for me, I checked "making a living", but I haven't done it long enough to really mean much. I spent a several months back in '97 and '98 day trading a $100k account, but finally closed it with $99,500. I kept studying while I pursued some other projects, and came back to trading last summer. I had about a $2,500 draw-down, and started making money in October when I really got serious. I made about $9,000 in October and about $5,500 in November. I just had my first negative week since the beginning of October - I lost about $1,600. I have put $50,000 into my account, but $18,500 of that was added in late October.

    Anyway, if any others would be willing to share their earning ability it would be very helpful. After having a negative week, it is nice to know that others are able to be profitable for the long-run. Thanks in advance for any help.
  3. There is no option for "I'm not loosing any money because all I ever do is post on" ;)

  4. The results of the poll will have little relevence, as it will not use a random sample. Those who are successful will be far more likely to respond than those who are not I think.