Melania doesn't sleep on a different bed, or room, she sleeps on a different floors

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Cuddles, Dec 2, 2019.

  1. Cuddles


    MrKJoe and Frederick Foresight like this.
  2. vanzandt


    Melania, being perhaps the most beautiful 1st Lady of modern times needs her beauty rest for her appearances in her many heartfelt causes. Trump on the other hand, being the most high energy president of modern times, needs his space to pace and think about his next 3D move.
    A little more class here H4, lets leave Melania out of things eh?
    MrKJoe and Nobert like this.
  3. Cuddles


    Never, what kind of beta male doesn't hit that twice a day? Trump's a low energy soy boi
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2019
    MrKJoe likes this.

  4. She is pretty plastic and fake. Jackie O was real.
  5. Overnight


    If Trump ever knew the value of simple "snuggling", the world would be in a better place than it is now.

    He does not know how to snuggle, because he has never had to. He's been catered to his entire life. His sensitivity level is -1. If that fucker ever spent a few days being a real New Yorker, being mugged on a train, crashing out on the lower-west side after binging, and waking up with less clothes, he'd be real. And he'd understand what it means to be a real person. He'd be a REAL New Yorker, and a REAL American.

    As it stands, he's a fake shit-show that needs to go away.
    SunTrader likes this.
  6. Atlantic


    first prostitute of the united states.
    exGOPer and destriero like this.
  7. vanzandt


    No way.
    Hows the old saying go? "Show me a beautiful woman and I'll show you a guy that's (over) her."
    (I used "over" to keep it G-rated.)

    And Ocho... true... but what woman of any celebrity (with $'s) nearing age 50 these days hasn't had some work done?

    And Overnight... "snuggle"?... really? The guy won't even buy his kid a friggin dog. :D
  8. FYI occasionally they sleep in different buildings, in different states. What's your point? Tranny boi's got her diaper in knot.
  9. MrKJoe and destriero like this.
  10. destriero


    She sleeps on her stomach so she hogs all the pillows.
    #10     Dec 3, 2019