Mel Gibson: "Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world"

Discussion in 'Politics' started by PLATO2, Jul 29, 2006.

  1. Pabst


    Even if Mel Gibson is in fact a spewing anti-semite who blows like a .0185 every time he's behind the wheel, even if he pulled the frequent, loathsome move of the rich and/or famous of asking"do you know who I am? He's still 7000x LARGER and cooler than LoZZZER will be this life or the next.
    #11     Jul 29, 2006

    Hutton Gibson (born August 26, 1918) is the father of actor Mel Gibson and a writer on religion

    Because Gibson's views are consistently critical of the Jews, and is a proponent of unconventional theories about the Jews and their role in history, Hutton Gibson is widely considered to be an anti-semite.

    Gibson also holds to the claim that the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks were not carried out mostly by Muslims aboard the plane, but rather were carried out by "remote control," a view he has expressed on The Alex Jones Show.
    Hutton Gibson with Holocaust denier Fredrick Töben, head of the Adelaide Institute, at the 2003 International Conference on Authentic History, Real News and the First Amendment

    Gibson denies commonly accepted aspects of the Jewish Holocaust, claiming that it is impossible for the "Holocaust" to have happened as described, since in his view, there would be no way to get rid of so many bodies. He claims that "There weren't even that many Jews in all of Europe", that the thousands who disappeared from Poland "got up and left", and says that according to the census statistics there were more Jews in Europe after World War II, statements denied by mainstream historians. In support of his father, Mel Gibson claims that his father's beliefs do not amount to Holocaust denial. (Mel Gibson also says that he will not speak out publicly against his father.)
    #12     Jul 29, 2006
  3. They way you talk about Gibson, you sound like a teenage girl with a crush...or teenage boy who feels "man love" for Mel...

    #13     Jul 29, 2006
  4. bsmeter


    You don't agree with what he said? Read up on all the European war financiers and the instigators behind them.
    #14     Jul 30, 2006
  5. If not for the Jews, all of you guys would be living in fear of catching polio. For those who require a reminder of the monumental contributions Jews have made to medical science:

    Wasserman test for syphilis developed by August Von Wasserman, and the first effective drug to fight syphilis developed by Paul Ehrlich.

    Bela Schick developed the diagnostic skin test for diphtheria.
    Insulin would not have been discovered if Oskar Minkowski had not demonstrated the link between diabetes and the pancreas.

    It was Burrill Crohn who identified the disease that bears his name. Alfred Hess discovered that vitamin C could cure scurvy. Casimir Funk was the first to use vitamin B to treat beri-beri. Jonas Salk developed the first polio vaccine, and later, Albert Sabin developed the oral version.
    #15     Jul 30, 2006
  6. If not for the Jews, maybe we wouldn't have nuclear weapons to worry about...showing once again how stupid these types of arguments or comments truly are.

    The arguments to rationalize the value of any homogeneous group, or condemn a homogeneous group of people on the basis of their positive or negative accomplishments either as members of a group or a group as a whole are downright insipid and racist or based in some superior/inferiority shit...most especially when categorizing a group on the basis of race or ethnicity.

    #16     Jul 30, 2006
  7. bsmeter


    I'd like to edit that to read "Jews originating from Germany and Austria" instead of "All Jews". J

    Average Jews have some type of superiority complex derived from the accomplishments of the Jews originating from the Austro-Hungarian empire.
    #17     Jul 30, 2006
  8. Please stop with the bigot speak...

    #18     Jul 30, 2006
  9. bsmeter


    Bigot speak? It's a fact. A very high percentage of the Jews who made contributions to science have a lineage originating in the German-Austrian-Hungary region.
    #19     Jul 30, 2006
  10. Let him speak, he makes a complete fool out of himself in every post he makes, even when his posts are not about jews he still sounds like a silly teenager that he probably is.
    #20     Jul 30, 2006