Meet Nacho.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by peilthetraveler, Nov 6, 2018.

  1. Tony Stark

    Tony Stark

    A seat republicans won by 25 in 2006 and 16 in 2012 is now at 3 points in 2018 :D
  2. Tony Stark

    Tony Stark

    I think he'll be back.

    Trump won Tx by 9 in 2016 and Cruz is currently winning by 3 in 2018.Texas is ripe for the taking for Beto in the future.
  3. LacesOut


    Yup losing over and over is a win to a Dem.
    Can’t make this stuff up.
  4. wildchild


    But he skateboarded onto stage during a rally. Doesn't that count for something?
  5. Tony Stark

    Tony Stark

    We just won the house thanks to your hero.

    Its going to be awfully hard for republicans to win the presidency when Texas turns blue.
  6. wildchild


    This is coming from the clown who was going to laugh at all of us when Hillary won.
  7. elderado


    And in Texas they're already chanting 'BETO 2020'!!!

    So absolutely dumb.

    Hope he has a fun day being Skateboard Jesus.
  8. Of course it does.

    Who says the Dem Party has no talent?



  9. Maybe Biden and Bernie and Maxine and Hillary and Bloomberg need to brush up on their skateboarding skills to be competitive with Beto in the primaries.

    It's all good.
    #10     Nov 7, 2018