MEAT needs to be taxed to the max - modern meats are evil....

Discussion in 'Economics' started by chewbacca, Feb 22, 2008.

  1. Why didn't I think of this earlier??







    #21     Feb 23, 2008
  2. jasonjm


    I think the picture above the tofu one looks like the best cut there
    #22     Feb 23, 2008
  3. GOVERNMENT needs to be taxed to the max - modern governments are evil....

    When this meat tax is imposed, will I be able to raise my own beef without government interference, or will I be taxed, will I need permits and licenses, etc.? What if they are not fed grain, but pastured, and grass fed only? Will I receive a tax break? What kind of records will I be required to keep?

    How many people will I need to hire to keep up with the regulations to raise one head annually? Can I slaughter and butcher myself or will I have to have a government certified house do that? How many government inspections will there be annually?

    A very large percentage of humans have genetics not adapted to eating grains. My doctor has put me on a no-grain diet with excellent results. What if I have 5 kids all with celiac disease and they cannot eat any grains whatsoever, and have to eat meat? Will I be able to claim an exemption for each child, or for only 2.3 children?

    Genetically speaking, only blood types O and B can eat beef, for example, as beef is a genetically beneficial food for those blood types. Type A and AB cannot eat beef as it will induces dysbiosis, increase polyamine or indican levels, inhibits proper gastric function or blocks assimilation, etc.

    As Chewbacca said:
    "hopefully some of these sick and nearly dead animals make it to the market and kill the meat eating consumers."

    I have a better solution. People with blood type A should be exterminated, they are not genetically fit to eat beef and many other meats except fish. Think about it. Type A people are eating beef, wasting resources, taking up space and basically getting in the way.

    This is the only way we can save the planet. There will be some resistance at first, but all will gradually accept their fate and see the benefits, as we must save the planet.

    Modern times require drastic measures, as the great ones, Hitler, Kaishek, Lenin, Stalin, Zedong, have known this and carried out genocide in a methodical, efficient manner to only save their countries, but we are saving planet earth, which is of greater importance than some silly country or silly blood type group of people.
    #23     Feb 23, 2008
  4. I was going to write more, but I need to get down to the meat locker and pick up my 1/2 Angus in my Suburban. I really should air up the tires too. I am going to get some squiggly lightbulbs for the McMansion to make me "feel" better about myself though. :)
    #24     Feb 23, 2008
  5. Aw shucks, you have inspired me to dig out the plastic milk jug I threw in the garbage.:cool:
    #25     Feb 23, 2008
  6. abe12345


    I'm vegan. Meat eating is dirty IMO. If society progresses at this rate eating meat will be like cigarette smoking is today. Your health insurance might drop you if they catch you. If it continues to progress it will be a against the law. Essentially it is against the law right now. The law of physics.
    #26     Feb 23, 2008
  7. By age 50 every meat eater is popping blood pressure pills and statins like candy trying to save themselves from the inevitable

    #27     Feb 23, 2008
  8. Genetics, genetics, genetics. DNA, DNA, DNA.

    You mean the laws of genetics. For those with genetics of blood type O, eating beef has cancer prevention properties, so the health insurance companies should reduce premiums for blood type O, and make the rest of you losers pay, pay, pay.

    Just think of the economic benefits.
    #28     Feb 23, 2008
  9. C'mon, the OP probably also believes that AIDS came from monkeys (instead of as a designed germ from a lab). For all the billion if not trillions that was spent on Biowarfare research in the 19th century, does it really make sense that none of these deadly germs were ever released or used? Hardly.

    AIDS is a great tool in eugenics and genocide now, unfortunately.

    As for our food, Monsanto will make sure only their strain of seeds lives, probably unleashing a germ to wipe out the free-market seeds.
    If you control the food, you control the World.

    Just imagine that the type of people who also ran Enron work at Monsanto. Greed is good?
    #29     Feb 23, 2008
  10. cgar
