Meanwhile here in Canada

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by Metamega, Apr 27, 2018.

  1. Metamega


    Logged in to see my few positions at close today( swing trader) and got a pop up warning about closure on TSX. Didn’t effect me today but what the hell.

    Suck to be a daytrader or market maker... see you on Monday is their response?
  2. Overnight


    Gotta' love 'em.
  3. Spooz Top 2

    Spooz Top 2

  4. In defense of the USA, the data is massively skewed thanks to a handful of cities where libs have turned the schools into glorified prisons for the students and cash machines for the teachers union.
    312 and Spooz Top 2 like this.
  5. Sig


    That's an interesting thing to say given that, as the cited article pointed out, "institutions in the United States dominate rankings of the best colleges in the world." Must be that it flips and conservatives run education when we get to the college level?