MCD - Best stock of 2011 - for a reason

Discussion in 'Economics' started by syswizard, Dec 30, 2011.

  1. MCD is my favorite.

    I have formulated a theory on MCD for 2012 (we'll see if this plays out). The trend is up.

    What i"m expecting is an "event" not sure what that "event" will be but it'll be immaterial or manufactured, played out in the media and we shoudld see this stock get dragged down. This will be a buy opp. Plain and simple.

    In the event of no "event" there is no indication to break the current trend. MCD is cutting edge of corporate America.

    ,,,oops almost forgot to add. Why do I think there will be an "event". Investors want a bargain. The don't want to pay 100 bucks a share.Investors want a "discount".
  2. Not to get off topic but looks like Overstock is the shit stock of the year with Green Mountain number "2" for a "crap" stock.:cool:
  3.'s strategy of low priced or zero cost shipping is killing their PnL. UPS and FedEx shipping rates are going up ANOTHER 10% next year. This is going to hurt the online retailers who "eat" the shipping.