McChrystal to Obama... "Go F*CK YOURSELF"!

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Scataphagos, Jun 22, 2010.

  1. Shagi


    Yeh - two thumbs up his ass. A military General is there to take orders from his Commander In Chief. He should be thrown in jail.
    #31     Jun 23, 2010
  2. achilles28


    McChrystal supported Afghan opium production/narcotics trafficking.

    And how can the US "win" Afghanistan? Afghans are fanatically religious goat-herders living in the bronze age. They're totally backward. Where is the common ground?

    To win Afghanistan, we ought to bring 90% of our forces home, deploy them on the border, and leave the other 10% behind to eradicate the poppy fields.

    The Taliban are financed by the Afghan opium fields American troops guard.
    #32     Jun 23, 2010
  3. DrEvil


    McChrystal should not accept any of Barry's invitations until he sees the full birth certificate. I wonder, would Barry be prepared to go to the supreme court where he might be required to produce it as evidence.
    #33     Jun 23, 2010
  4. I'm not sure if we are disagreeing or agreeing. Obviously, Obama is a weak, ineffectual leader who few if any real military men could stomach as their Commander in Chief. However, McCrystal claims he voted for Obama, so that gives me pause about McCrystal's judgment.

    As for afghanistan, my point was that Bush did not exactly leave Obama a real strong hand to play. At this point, I'm not sure there is a winning strategy. The one we seem to be following, ie force the corrupt Karzai government down the throats of resistant afghans, is doomed. I fail to see how it justifies any American lives or taxpayer money.

    It is ironic, considering what a pompous windbag he is, but I have to say I think Biden's plan was the only sensible one I have heard. Put troops on the border to deter incursions and let the afghans sort the rest of it out for themselves. Of course, McCrystal, drunk on nation-building fantasies, derided Biden as an idiot. Which makes more sense, a plan that has a limited but achievable goal or one that would require ten years or more of occupation and trillions of taxpayer money, with no guarantee of success?
    #34     Jun 23, 2010
  5. Obama should make him do 100 push ups in the Oval Office.
    #35     Jun 23, 2010
  6. So, McChrystal is out. Good for him. Fell on his own sword for principle. A modern day Fletcher Christian.

    Then, Obam and Gibbs "question whether McChrystal has the maturity to lead the operation"? What? Are you kidding? A 4-Star? Was not his leadership ability a question each time he was considered for promotion?

    What about Obama's "maturity to lead"?

    Obama and Gibbs make me wanna PUKE!

    #36     Jun 23, 2010
  7. You claim to be Canadian yet you refer to American troops as "our forces"?
    #37     Jun 23, 2010
  8. Recent discoveries of huge rare earth metal deposits may help to
    stabilize Afganistan well as the thining out of some mentally defective leadership.
    #38     Jun 23, 2010
  9. fhl


    And article at stated that the recent discovery of vast mineral deposits in afghanistan may have had something to do with an upcoming auction of ......mineral rights in afghanistan.

    Funny how that works, isn't it.
    #39     Jun 23, 2010
  10. The Military Oath

    The Commissioning Oath

    "I, _____ , having been appointed an officer in the (Service) of the United States, as indicated above in the grade of _____ do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign or domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservations or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter; So help me God." (DA Form 71, 1 August 1959, for officers.)

    Generals are to support the constitution, not the president. It even says "against all enemies, foreign or DOMESTIC. Domestic that could mean our current politicians.
    #40     Jun 23, 2010