McCain's Rapidly Closing Window

Discussion in 'Politics' started by AAAintheBeltway, Jul 21, 2008.

  1. As usual, Pat Buchanan nails it. McCain wastes his time pandering to hispanics and blacks, pissing off his natural supporters in the process. He and his lobbyist/ceo advisors, like Carly Fiorini, would rather lose than take on affirmative action and the gay lobby. Attack obama himself? Out of the question. Chris Matthews might not like it.

    What a bunch of losers. I really hope Romney is clever enough to decline the VP slot, if it is even offered to him.
    #11     Jul 22, 2008
  2. Who ever thought conservatives would look wistfully at Hillary Clinton and wish she were the republican nominee?
    #12     Jul 22, 2008
  3. If republicans help democrats pass this idiotic anti-speculation bill, it'll be just like saying to the American people "we weren't serious about the need to drill, it was really the speculators fault, just like the democrats said".

    We will need a whole new crop of republicans in congress if they betray us this way.

    "Oilman Pickens sees $300 oil unless U.S. cuts import need... "

    Course not. Doesn't T Boone know that all you have to do is outlaw all those evil speculators.
    #13     Jul 22, 2008
  4. No need to write such a long winding article. Buchanan was only trying to hide the real idea behind long sentences. Three words would cover it completely:

    White racist votes.
    #14     Jul 22, 2008
  5. wjk


    The election could be won on the gas price issue alone. Everyone in every party is feeling it every time they go to the pump. The dem leaders have said we will not drill under any circumstance, and I heard the other day they are floating a $.10 a gallon tax hike on gas. Congress appoval is in single digits.

    Why Mccain won't go negative on this issue is anyone's guess. It's there for the taking. I think the republicans could even gain back seats on the issue. But I don't expect it to happen. I lost my respect for the pubs when they outspent the dems, and then nominated a friend of the dems. I've always hated the dem's socialistic tendencies. And the libertarians, whose philosophy closely mirrors mine, lost me when Barr became the nominee.

    I believe this could have been one of the easiest elections the republicans could have won in history, even with the lust affair the majority of media has with Obama. But apparently both their barrels are empty, so Obama will be the president. Better lock up your wallet, because the tax man will not be satiated with an unfettered dem congress behind a left wing prez.
    #15     Jul 23, 2008
  6. And the 98% black vote for Obama? Just citizens concerned about good government?
    #16     Jul 23, 2008
  7. I was wondering whether you'd stoop that low for the easy comeback question. Of course you did.

    Blacks started to vote Democrat as a voting bloc since FDR. Despite your age, you must have never understood why they did.
    #17     Jul 23, 2008
  8. I always want to ask my conservative friends why the hell would they ever support 99% of current Republicans.

    The Republican Party has drifted further from American Conservatism than I can possibly emphasize.

    I'm glad some of you have awoken to this core fact.

    We really need to break the GOP into parts, so that we can reach down, feel around, and extract that little piece of conservatism that's left, and nurse it back to health.
    #18     Jul 23, 2008
  9. I assume they appreciated the democrats blocking civil rights bills year after year. Whatever.

    Why is it ok for blacks to vote their race but not whites? I don't have a problem with it. It's typical of the way blacks are their own worst enemies. They vote in blocks for the worst corrupt POS imaginable to run big cities, and they are the ones who suffer.

    In your PC alternate universe, is it racist for whites to be concerned about a candidate who has a history of being identified with the worst kind of racial grievance politics? Whose wife is clearly boiling with barely suppressed racial animosity? Who wrote a book bragging about how he manipulated white people, that is, when he wasn't consumed by rage toward them?
    #19     Jul 23, 2008
  10. That sounds vaguely kinky.
    #20     Jul 23, 2008