McCain Wins By A Landslide !!!!!!!!

Discussion in 'Politics' started by libertad, Jul 26, 2008.

  1. If Washington were honest, we all could send in our portion of the National Debt, and it would be solved, never to rear its ugly head again.

    there is a factor of thievery that makes the Pentagon pay 120 bucks for a hammer, 400 for a toilet seat.......... It never will change. So, the less taxes the better.

    Some day , a black man will be President. This isn't the guy. He's a schnorrer from old school Chicago pollitics who's lookin' to get richer. He can't maintain a position for longer than it suits him. Every cracker in ever shithole in America will come out to vote against him. He's done a tour of the world, and can't increase his lead in the polls. And Hillary didn't hang on spending her own money that she stole from us for nothing. There is something somewhere that will come out and ruin him. The Clintons are too devious to piss away 15mm dollars. Their timing was wrong, but their information was well paid for.

    England loves him. Maybe we can trade him for a fifth of Bombay Sapphire.
    #11     Jul 26, 2008
  2. Kudos to McCain

    Moving in the Right Direction !!!!!!!!!!!!!! [/B][/QUOTE]

    ...In your dreams. I do agree that we are 'moving in the right direction', and that direction is towards a landslide Democratic sweep, long overdue I might add.

    The American voters, in the last mid-term elections, stated in no uncertain terms they have had their fill of Republican leadership...that was a clear no-confidence vote then, and the thing is, the situation has become even worse since the mid-terms.

    Amazingly, to top it off, the Republicans have put-up the weakest candidate.

    It's almost like the GOP is just putting McCain in there to be slaughtered, which he most assuredly will be.

    And that deserves a smiley-face... :)
    #12     Jul 26, 2008
  3. Just to be I have stated in other posts.....the whole system needs to be changed.....

    But you got what ya got....

    OBama plays his cards after he sees the other players cards.

    McCain just showed some of his best now it is time for Obama to show what he is holding.

    Now it is about advertising budgets....

    Gift of gab and presentation.....

    And who ever has the best specific lists of promises that people want to hear.....

    That's it......
    #13     Jul 26, 2008
  4. On that I will agree with you wholeheartedly.

    Pure economic self-interest and greed is no way to run a country ... not one that you want to last, anyway.
    #14     Jul 26, 2008
  5. Wow you people have been dumbed down to the level of 8 year olds.

    Even that the summary given by that biased article gives enough clues to show that his plan is hype & rhetoric, with no real substance and mostly caters to Big Business. I would bet money that the actual bills, if they ever become a reality, will expose a very different picture.

    Obama & McCain play for the same team and you aren't a part of it. Almost all of Washington and their career politicians are the same way.

    Maybe someday, you will stop wasting time & energy arguing which lying scumbag hypocrite that does not give on f**k about you is better. Then you can actually educate yourself on how this world really works and do something about it. But I doubt it.
    #15     Jul 26, 2008
  6. clacy



    For all of the people that are complaining about the direction of the country............let's not forget that the Dems have controlled both the house and the senate now for 2 years. Where is the improvement?

    I would argue that things have actually gotten worse in the past two year, save Iraq (no thanks to the Dems).

    You think the consumer is in trouble now, wait until major tax inceases take hold under Obama.

    Gas prices too high????? What do the Democrats in congress plan to do about it? Taxing the oil companies and suing OPEC isn't going to reduce the price at the pump in my estimation. [/B][/QUOTE]
    #16     Jul 26, 2008
  7. Two small comments.

    If the Democrats can't win this election, they need to back it up and go home. LOL. McCain by far is the lesser of two evils.

    This may seem extreme but sometimes I wonder if it would be better off if we had a President that didn't do anything, just didn't fuck with anything. Just a thought.

    It's just a thought.
    #17     Jul 26, 2008
  8. Allen3


    ...In your dreams. I do agree that we are 'moving in the right direction', and that direction is towards a landslide Democratic sweep, long overdue I might add.

    The American voters, in the last mid-term elections, stated in no uncertain terms they have had their fill of Republican leadership...that was a clear no-confidence vote then, and the thing is,

    the situation has become even worse since the mid-terms.


    Yeah that does deserve a smiley face.:D Dems have screwed the pooch in ways the republicans only dreamed of the first six years, is that what your saying?

    I say lets go! The Dems will throw us down the path of destruction faster than the Reps so that we can get some meaningful change in our society. The only way to get some semblance of what was America back is through a lot of Pain. Obama and the Dem crew I believe will be the laxative before the storm. Then we can maybe flush the whole lot and get a healthy country again.

    Let'er blow!

    #18     Jul 26, 2008
  9. Whoever appears to go in this direction......will be going in the right direction.......

    Capitalism where 1% control 80% of the
    Chavez style socialism
    Euro style
    High tax cure
    Blood for
    Energy monopolies that control you and
    Health care as a
    2 party vote by advertising
    Education for the
    A leader in frugality whose wife spends $500k per month on
    A leader who says anything you want to hear to get what they

    What then ?

    This is what......

    What has to happen is a change in the underlying tax and reform policies which by default will secure capitalism, and the best parts of socialism.

    1) Taxation: consumption tax only

    Why....there are literally no savings by the majority....the last thing they need is the IRS imposition....

    Businesses from all over the world will beg to domicile in the US.

    2) Local Internet Governments

    Tax money will be spent by local internet by city, reporting to the states. The key point is managability. The larger the entity, the harder to manage.

    3) Elimination of the 2 party voting by advertising system

    Projects take time. 2 to 6 year political stints are rediculous. Projects can not be completed when in continual stop start mode.
    There is no further need for the incredibly rediculous two party system. Projects are voted on, and the best people for the job are hired.

    4) Energy Independence

    The US must use what is within its borders. Energy should not depend on energy depot delivery and monopoly. Energy should come from the air, sun, or water....and be sourced from home.

    5) Wealth Distribution

    Common stock mandate
    Township ownership

    6) Finance

    Local Banks....local loans by asset discount....

    Electronic stock exchange....nonobligatory non interest capital

    7) Education

    The Internet

    8) Health

    Socialized.....innovation is rewarded......but is not a business

    9) Eliminate legal largesse

    Every month, the phone book gets thicker and thicker with lawyers that need to make a living.

    The names in the phone book need to be all but eliminated in that this segment will no longer be economically viable.
    #19     Jul 26, 2008
  10. Allen3


    Now there"s something well said.
    #20     Jul 26, 2008