McCain Will Bankrupt the United States

Discussion in 'Politics' started by jamis359, Mar 21, 2008.

  1. Brandonf

    Brandonf Sponsor

    I think we are going to see Obama have more and more trouble wtih the things his preacher and his wife have said in the past and recently. He is running on his "good judgement" and if you can get an idea of a person's judgment by the company they keep, he has none.
    #11     Mar 21, 2008
  2. McCain's chances actually look better every day. I had thought the Republicans wouldn't have a chance this year, but I'm beginning to think that's not the case.
    Obama's judgment, as noted, is seriously in question. I've read that Hillary needs to get two-thirds of the remaining votes to close the delegate gap, and at this point that looks doable. I'm pretty sure Obama will suffer a humiliating wipeout in PA.
    Fast forward to the general election, and McCain will use that 3AM ad she pulled on Obama against her so many times she'll have a reason to cry for real before it's all over, as opposed to that fake crap she pulled in NH.
    My own biases: none. I think they all suck.
    #12     Mar 21, 2008
  3. Very much a case of double jeopardy
    #13     Mar 21, 2008
  4. Can you blame them?
    Can you blame black folk for being a bit pissed?
    40 years earlier, Michelle Obama would have been lynched for the colour of her skin...
    Can you blame Obama's preacher for being a racist?
    Who isn't racist anyways?

    McCain openly said that he 'hates the gooks, and will always hate the gooks.."...

    Racist by association, or just plain racist?

    People are dumb, and voting is the dumbest thing a person can do...
    #14     Mar 21, 2008
  5. BINGO!

    Its amazing how few people get this. The USA currently has RECORD revenues under the current tax system, and the revenues are growing significantly faster than GDP. The tax system works.

    What doesn't work is both parties spending like there is no tomorrow. Let future generations pay for it. What does not work is raising taxes unless they are already abnormally low. This isn't the thread to get into the Laffer Curve, but its been proven time and time again to be valid. Raising taxes works for one year before shifting investments away from the most economic efficiency, to tax advantaged vehicles. This slows the economy versus what it would otherwise be.

    Back to Mac. I am no McCain fan, but must point out that the original poster only printed half the story, as is typical. Mac was against the Bush tax cuts because they would not also include spending restraint! Otherwise he was for them.

    Mac is also, by far, the biggest fiscal hawk out of the three running for Prez. Both Hillary and Obama want to significantly increase spending AND raise taxes. Neither is shy about this.

    WE NEED TO CAP SPENDING. That is the problem, but it is politically tough to do.

    #15     Mar 21, 2008
  6. You could elect Hillary, Obama or McCain. It wouldn't matter. Any of them will bankrupt the nation within 4 years.

    Hillary and Obama will bankrupt us by increasing the giveaways at the same time as increasing taxes and killing the stock market goose that paid for it all.

    McCain will just bankrupt us in a different way. He will continue to spend on a useless war, and run the debt to the moon just as bad as Hillary or Obama would, just handing out the goodies to different buddies.

    Pick your poison. They are ALL poison. There is no choice but poison.
    #16     Mar 21, 2008
  7. heypa


    Yes it's the lessor of two evils again.We have two factions of one party (fast track socialists and slower track socialists). We can vote Demopublican or Republicat.
    There is no way out since "they" make the rules.
    #17     Mar 21, 2008
  8. I would agree with this except I think we are in Iraq no matter who is Prez. It was stupid to go in, and now we are stuck.

    If we just pull out, Iraq goes into civil war. Almost no one denies this. If Iran then fills the vacuum, or we even think they will, we are right back there again, full force. We have too much paranoia over them controlling that much oil.

    We will be spending too much with Mac trying to win the unwindable, or spending too much going back in yet again to attempt in vain to clean up the ugly mess. If there wasn't so much oil at stake, we just let the place implode. It is just my opinion of course, but I really don't think we'd let that happen.
    #18     Mar 21, 2008
  9. You wanna bet?
    #19     Mar 21, 2008
  10. I agree, Romney as a VP gives Mccain a huge jump.
    #20     Mar 21, 2008