McCain to GOP: Leave Abortion Alone

Discussion in 'Politics' started by AK Forty Seven, Nov 26, 2012.

  1. And that ABO thing was about as real as that "silent majority" you guys try to trot out every now and again.
    #21     Nov 27, 2012
  2. My hope is that the GOP gets back to center right. Without it, we will have one party rule after 2014, and that is a system failure.
    #22     Nov 27, 2012
  3. Lucrum


    Or about a real as your trading.
    #23     Nov 27, 2012
  4. Start your journal.:)
    #24     Nov 27, 2012
  5. wjk


    No doubt some of the people should have kept their mouths shut. But you broad brush the whole movement by the actions of a few. I'm not the one covering reasons. The carl roves of the party are. If you think kicking the conservatives out of the party is the way to get ahead, then it is you that needs to get a clue.

    I've been voting since 92, and I'll be hard pressed to vote republican again, but I will NEVER vote progressive...not ever.

    Run a tally and see how many liberal republicans won in all the races at all levels just to validate your point. See which lost their seats, too.
    #25     Nov 27, 2012
  6. Lucrum


    Already did, in the form of the Combine you agreed to do with me but chickened out on. Where's yours?
    #26     Nov 27, 2012
  7. Liberal Republicans? There aren't any. That would imply some Republican Senator somewhere voted for Obamacare. None did.
    There were a few moderates. There still are some from New England, maybe only one or two of those left? Don't know. But a lot of those moderates were brought down in the primaries by Tea Partiers who then went on to lose in the general election.
    You're delusional about the Tea Party. They are the proper successors to the now forgotten Club for Growth, the guys who made Arlen Specter, who once vigorously defended Clarence Thomas, turn into a Democrat. Just like the old Club for Growth, they specialize in snatching defeat from the jaws of victory for the Republican party. What's amazing is that the response to this is what you wrote. The Republicans are going to shrink into a mere shadow of what they were if they keep following your kind of logic.
    #27     Nov 27, 2012
  8. wjk


    I don't see them winning elections by putting up more liberal candidates, do you? You don't see any liberal republicans? That's how far left you and your party have gone. Many people like me are content to live and let live regarding religion, sexual preference, drug use, etc...and yet we are painted as racist and extremists by you and your kind.

    Do hard core consevatives hurt the cause? Sure they do. Should religion be pushed? No. Does the media demonize those of us who don't want to be progressives? Absolutely. Now you tell me...who the fuck should I vote for?

    Most of the conservatives and libertarians I know don't want to push religion down your throat, so why are they so demonized?

    Tell me.
    #28     Nov 27, 2012
  9. Demonized? Do you not listen to what your candidates are saying?

    Akins: legitimate rape. Defeated.
    Mourdock: rape and subsequent conception is God's will. Defeated.
    O'Donnell: I am not a witch! Defeated.
    Lowden: Second Amendment solutions. Defeated.

    Those first two were most definitely trying to shove their twisted version of religion down our collective throats, and I have no doubt the latter two would have as well. The Republicans in the House have passed bill after bill after bill re abortion and their very much religious view of it. You are, again, delusional.
    #29     Nov 27, 2012
  10. wjk


    No, I'm not delusional. I agreed with you since those are exactly the candidates that I had in mind when I said some of them should just keep their opinions to themselves. Now if you ask me if I'm frustrated you would be spot on. It is people like those you mentioned that really do hurt the cause. A few like them get an entire group demonized.

    Why am I frustrated? Once a wack job pops up, he/she is the most important mainstream (left wing) media fact for weeks. That is a favorite tactic of the left and their lapdog media, and you damn well know it. A few racist...the whole group is racist...a few religious nuts...the whole group consists of religious nuts. Your party has demonized all conservatives because of a few. It's their MO. You then attempt to marginalize those who point it out. Standard OP. Conversation over.
    #30     Nov 27, 2012