McCain slams Putin in opinion piece for Pravda

Discussion in 'Politics' started by gwb-trading, Sep 19, 2013.

  1. I suppose these questions remain-

    How happy is Putin about McCain's and others opinion editorials published in Russia's major media outlets?

    Did his scheme of trying to act like a snow driven bunny, with his article in the NY Times, pan out in his favor?

    Much of what McCain said was certainly an outright attack on Putin, but was it all fabricated?

    Certainly there is some truth in McCain's words, No?

    How many Russians will disregard his words, and How many will take his words to heart?

    As others will point out, McCain no doubt has no problem chewing on his own shoe, and likely has little to lose with his opinions before he goes riding into the proverbial sunset.

    I wonder, just how much did Vladdy Putin gain or lose with his and others' recent antics?
    #11     Sep 19, 2013
  2. Has anyone noticed too, just how cool Obama has handled all this nonsense?

    Putin, like the flea that he is, jumped onto Obama's nutsack the moment he saw the opportunity.

    Obama hasn't even flinched- instead he's got McCain down there chewing Putin out.

    "Good Job Mr. President."
    #12     Sep 19, 2013
  3. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    Allow me to speculate, given my vast experience of living in Russia, working there, and understanding the culture probably as best as any foreigner could.

    1. How happy is Putin about McCain's and others opinion editorials published in Russia's major media outlets?

    A: He couldn't give a shit. Putin is aware that most Russians won't hear anything about McCain's commentary, and those that do will be aware that Putin threw egg at Obama, and this is the retaliatory strike. It will reconfirm to those Russians that Putin got one over on the US and that it was a good one.

    2. Did his scheme of trying to act like a snow driven bunny, with his article in the NY Times, pan out in his favor?

    A: Yes. Because the target audience (Americans) supported it in droves, with media pointing out that it was a blow against Obama (our media). And, for the most important reason, there was no attack on Syria.

    3. Much of what McCain said was certainly an outright attack on Putin, but was it all fabricated?

    A: No, most of it is true. But it should be said that the level of corruption in the US is on par with the Russians, it's just not overt. McCain, himself, was guilty of supporting "rebel" dissidents that were linked to the same terrorist organizations that hit us on 9/11 and enslaved Afghanistan.

    4.How many Russians will disregard his words, and How many will take his words to heart?

    A: Those that even read them (see point #1) will almost entirely support Putin and laugh at McCain. The few political activist groups there that are still not decimated will latch on to McCain's words and try to use them as a rallying cry, but that will fall on deaf ears. Russians are used to czars and foreign criticism. It's nothing new to them.
    #13     Sep 19, 2013
  4. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    All of this is a sack of horseshit and is a vast display of ignorance.
    #14     Sep 19, 2013
  5. Go ahead, Tsing. Let your technical tear down begin.
    #15     Sep 19, 2013
  6. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    Why don't you begin by backing up your assertions? You always do this - you make general statements that, in some cases are so outlandish, and then someone asks you to elaborate or show your depth of knowledge on a topic - and you back peddle out of it.

    How are are you, Hoof? I'm being serious.
    #16     Sep 19, 2013
  7. I read that Putin is also showing some slack on his tough homo laws.
    #17     Sep 19, 2013
  8. This is all mostly agreeable.

    Would you mind explaining, because you may know better than most- Why won't the majority of Russians even read McCain's article?
    #18     Sep 19, 2013
  9. Sure I'll back my assertions Tsing. You'll have to give me a few though.
    #19     Sep 19, 2013
  10. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    Because every day life is far more important and critical to them then reading the news. Because many of them have no access to even the most rudimentary news outside of channel 1, state run TV. Because Pravda's circulation isn't what it once was, and from what I understand, the article was placed in one of the back pages, next to the comic section, in a section reserved for companies that want to take out advertisements -which Russians tend to ignore.
    #20     Sep 19, 2013