McCain Is REPS Only Hope In 08

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Trader5287, Nov 12, 2006.

  1. This man will be the next leader of the free world?

    Heaven help us...

    <img src=>

    #11     Nov 12, 2006
    #12     Nov 12, 2006
  3. ______________________________________________

    I thought he was being sent to DC not Trenton. The Dems had a hayday of the corruption charge, and rightly so, but if they think they are immune, then things will get better for the Reps every day.

    Actually which ever party is in power is vulnerable to the corruption charge, so now it is the Dems turn.
    #13     Nov 12, 2006
  4. Of course, sending a republican to DC to fight corruption did not sound like such a great idea at the time, you know after six years of the most corrupt republican administration and 12 years of equally corrupt republican congress in this country's history.
    #14     Nov 12, 2006

  5. Based on the recent election outcome, the American public ( except the 37 Percentile "IM-moral minority") despise the RepubliKKKlan party. The devisive and bigoted politics of the RepubliKKKlan right has fractured the coalition that put them in power. Real conservatives, the ones against big govt. and for fiscal responsibility are fed up with right wing religious nonesense. Unless they can get control of the party and revert the RepubliKKKlan agenda to the Republican one, the current RepubliKKlan party is doomed.

    Bush won a slim majority the second time around because of the Hispanic vote. This vote will not be forthcoming in any of the future American elections. :D
    #15     Nov 12, 2006
  6. I have thought for a long time that McCain is a deeply flawed candidate who will be lucky to get out of the primaries. Much of his popularity rests on an adoring media, which likes him because he is always ready to trash other republicans or carry the media's water on issues like campaign finance. Once he is in a race against a real Democrat, they will drop him like a bad habit. The media liked Bob Dole as well. Until he got the nomination.

    McCain has serious problems with three of the five factions that make up the modern republican party, viz. the evangelical/family values group, the low tax/opportunity society faction and the Pat Buchanan paleoconservatives. He would have the support of the country club/big business republicans and the neo-cons. In short, he would have the profile of Bush Sr., except that McCain has gone out of his way to antagonize a lot of other republicans while Bush did the opposite.
    #16     Nov 14, 2006
  7. McCain is pro choice which means he will do badly in the bible belt which means the repubs will probably run some unknown lightweight against hillary. in that case hillary is your next president.
    #17     Nov 14, 2006