McCain could still win, Obama had drugs/gay sex party in limo

Discussion in 'Politics' started by wilburbear, Oct 10, 2008.

  1. See "Hotel receipt" under "Supporting Documents". One of Obama's former lovers will not go away with his tail between his legs.
  2. Larry Sinclair failed a lie detector test ,although i don't know who actually believed him. Even if Obama was gay,i'm sure he could do better then meth head larry sinclair

  3. damn, y'all believe ANYTHING. That's fucking funny. Where can I move to be suuuuuper far away from you gullible freaks? LOL
  4. Isn't "bear" a code word in the gay community for a hairy old gay dude? Just asking wibur"bear". HAHAHA!
  5. Hmm, no one believe that Obama claim. I posted the link to show how Larry Sinclair is looking for attention. Sick in his head.
  6. Even Pabst would buy this.
  7. ...leave a nickel on a table and a republican will kill you for it.
    #10     Oct 10, 2008