McCain can still win, The scenarios

Discussion in 'Politics' started by oktiri, Oct 27, 2008.

  1. The reason for

    Fox News (27.0%),

    is because there is a huge sub set of ignorant slithering low life imbeciles in the southern states.

    It's the same reason "talk radio" is big in southern states. These god damned low lifes just love being told what to think.

    just frightening how many of these maggots are out there breeding like god damned fucking rabbits.

    The result of a high divorce rate, rampant spousal cheating all in the name of god.

    just look at aPalin.

    5 and still counting. Her daughter is well on her way to 5 also. good fucking grief!
    #11     Oct 30, 2008
  2. Why do people worry about Obama winning the Presidentcy, because he attended a church that hates whitie???

    At least wit a preacher that hates whitie ..... well, you know where they stand and where they're coming from.... but Palin, she's the one that scares the crap out of me! She attended a church where they actually speak in tongues!!!! THATS F*CKED UP!!!!! And she also received a blessing from a "witch hunter" .... guys, come on.... this is some f*cked up shit! Palin is CRAZY!! no other way to describe that woman. Her ideas will put us all back in the dark ages.... and thats a fact!
    #12     Oct 30, 2008
  3. Yannis


    Assuming that by "yoru" you mean "your", I know I'm smart, well educated and well informed, but that's not the point here, in this pseudo-political mishmash of opinions, rumors and innuendos.

    You throw the ball, I throw it back, again and again. It's fun. How many of us change our minds in this forum? None, most likely. Therefore, sometimes we post something serious and sometimes we post something funny, just to remind ourselves to lighten up.

    So, iceman, you are (almost) always wrong, so... lighten up! :)
    #13     Oct 30, 2008
  4. Yannis


    IMAO: If He’s Not a Hypocrite

    "McCain has had like $85 million this election to spend while Barack Obama has had over $600 million. Isn’t that unfair? Shouldn’t Obama be spreading the wealth around? I want my McCain and Palin variety half-hour!"

    :) :) :)
    #14     Oct 30, 2008
  5. McInsane could've easily opted out of public financing like Obama did.... but he choose not to.
    #15     Oct 30, 2008