Maxine Waters Unhinged: Boehner and Cantor Are 'Demons'

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Trader666, Feb 15, 2012.

  1. Max E.

    Max E.

    Mitt doesnt suit me either..... Im Pro Choice, Pro Gay Marriage, (defined differently) and im an atheist/agnostic. I am pretty liberal in terms of what i believe in when it comes to social issues, i support the right to choose mostly because a large portion of the babies who are getting aborted are the ones who will inevitably end up growing up to be a drain on society, (eg. 16 year old has a kid they cant properly take care of) I would never abort my own kid, but thats someone elses choice, not mine.....

    So while i am left wing when it comes to social issues, My main concern is fiscal issues, and freedom, and the social issues dont concern me enough to change my vote.

    The only two things i have a strong opinion on are military, and fiscal issues, i want to see us quit going all over the world waging wars, even though that is left i consider myself far right, simply because i want to see almost every single bureacrat i see rot in hell.....I just want the government to FUCK OFF! And quit trying to dictate what supposedly free citizens should and should not do....

    I jwant the government to leave me alone, atleast make an attempt to operate under a very basic level of rationality/logic..... like.... "Dont pay pedophiles 40k to quit teaching," and "Dont steal 4 year olds lunch to feed them something which is less healthy"

    It seems like a pretty easy set of demands, but this ship seems to have already sailed, there is no such thing as rationality/logic in government anymore....
    #21     Feb 17, 2012