Maximizing fill rates by routing to BYX

Discussion in 'Order Execution' started by Humble Investor, Oct 23, 2017.

  1. I believe I'm missing potential trades due to queue positioning. Do you guys think it’s better to just always route to BYX because most smart routers choose the exchange with the highest rebate first if price is equal.

    Note: I’m on fixed tiered commission so the rebate fee doesn’t matter to me.

  2. traider


    What stocks are you trading? It differs for every different type of stock
  3. Small caps. Recent example was Nacco Industries or NC. Correct me if I'm wrong but I think routers route to highest rebate exchange first.
    Last edited: Oct 23, 2017
  4. luisHK


  5. That's right. Liquidity takers get paid $0.0015/share. Seems like BYX is always first in line in smart routers' algos. I just recently noticed this after missing so many trades to BYX.