Mav's Verticals

Discussion in 'Options' started by Maverick74, Nov 23, 2003.

  1. Mav, the reason that I ask is just to expand the education of your trading to others. I think there is nothing like watching real trades unfold (good and bad) to learn from and watch how the dynamics of the trade change. As to others criticizing your picks, personal attacks and all that other b.s. members do, I have noticed a few pro's who have journals (we all know who they are) ignore the the attacks and don't pay any credence to them because if for no other reason, they don't add any value to the journal/thread. Usually you will see the avid followers of the thread defend the journal writer (as I would) and then again you can always simply put the hecklers on ignore. You mentioned something about not talking about making/losing money to others - I don't think you should either. I am more interested in the setups themselves, for example writing about how you legged into a spread strategy and you don't have to put a $$ number of how many contracts you are actually buying, but rather just put in the entries/exits prices of the contracts when they are executed. Maybe you could just write a default of 1 contract on all setups to keep things simple (depending on type of spread). Again, I for one, am more interested in seeing different strategies in real time as opposed to how much $$ were made/lost on the trade. Another suggestion would be only to list trades on options that have heavy contract volume (maybe save the thinly traded issues) I think there are alot of lurkers out there who would love to see a thread on options/spreads on et by a pro. I hope you reconsider. Feliz Ano Nuevo!!
    Cheers. :)
    #71     Jan 2, 2004