Matt Damon Blasts Obama...Again!

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Maverick74, Dec 21, 2011.

  1. Ricter


    #21     Dec 21, 2011
  2. Maverick74


    Hey Ricter,

    Riddle me this. Why does it cost 13k to have open heart surgery in top rated hospital in Singapore by an American Dr educated at Duke and 130k to have that surgery in the US? I'm waiting.

    I edited the post based on these numbers:
    #22     Dec 21, 2011

  3. Texas has what Republicans argue for most,tort reform,yet their cost are among the highest in the nation and they have the most uninsured in the nation with 25 %

    Insurance companies will never cover those with pre existing conditions unless they are forced by the goverment.There are only a few solutions,the government offer medicare to those who private insurers wont insure,single payer, or make insurance cover everybody.

    Its clear you cant expect insurers to do the right thing.The GOP promises tort reform will bring down cost yet Texas and a few other states have tort reform and they are still among the highest in the nation.Malpractice insurance in Texas is among the lowest in the country due to tort reform but health insurance rates arent.The money saved goes to the doctor and insurance company profits ,not the consumer

    Government is not indiscriminate about what they pay,medicare pays less then private insurers
    #23     Dec 21, 2011
  4. Maverick74


    Tort is not the answer. That will only lower costs slightly. Tort makes up a very small part of the equation.

    Medicare does pay less then private insurers but medicare does not regulate procedure. I know because my mother goes to the hospital to get 50 tests when she only needs two. Medicare pays for everything. So while they pay less for procedure, the number of procedures is probably 50 times that of a private insurer. Hence the demand side of the equation.
    #24     Dec 21, 2011
  5. In your previous post you said "Cost always comes from the demand side of the equation" and now you say that medicare pays for all procedures while private insurance do don't.So are you saying that rationing is the answer to lower costs ? The rationing that the GOP is constantly demonizing

    I don't know about all insurance but many polices allow you to have as many procedures as you want after meeting your deductible.

    My insurance policy has a 3,000 deductible then pays 100 % for everything including prescriptions.Last month I went to the hospital and met my deductible and have had numerous test done by specialist since then at zero cost .Doctors are in on the con because when I tell them I need as much work done by Jan 1st as I will have to meet another deductible one recommended test became numerous recommend tests and suddenly they had appointments available in 2 days when they first said 3 weeks
    #25     Dec 21, 2011
  6. Maverick74


    No, the right doesn't want government to ration. The free market will ration on price. I don't make bullshit visits to the doctor because it comes out of MY pocket! That's called rationing. And yes, rationing will lower cost via price, not government decree.

    Almost every insurance policy has a max lifetime limit. Not to mention, if you abuse your policy "after" you meet your deductible, then going forward, your rates will be much higher. Just as if you get into a car accident, your auto rates will be higher when you re-new your policy. So abuse it all you want, "you" will be the one that pays for it. This is precisely why I avoid the doctor at all costs and never go in for bullshit tests. That goes on my medical record and when it comes time to re-new my rates, they will skyrocket if I'm suddenly seeing the dr about 50 different problems.
    #26     Dec 21, 2011
  7. I don't think taking doctor recommended test is abusing a policy .I don't take chances with my health .There are too many illnesses that lead to major heath problems or death that could have been cured if caught early

    In 2014 under Obamacare insurance companies cant charge more if you have a pre existing condition nor have lifetime maximums
    #27     Dec 21, 2011
  8. one old guy was the oldest man on earth. [Not making this up]. He was asked what his secret was and he replied "I stay away from Doctors"

    It's really stupid to look to government and doctors for most health problems that can be fixed with herbs, supplements, nutrition, exercise, sunlight, vacations, etc...

    I can't vote for either party in the US, they have both placed us all in a FUBAR situation and they will never be able to undo it nor make it up to us.. their interference in health care is just an extension of the AMA's and Big Pharma's interference in healthcare. If the SHTF in the US nobody is going to get anything from the government. Those that know how to be healthy will be healthy and the rest can go to the mortuary, hardly any concern of mine really...
    #28     Dec 21, 2011
  9. Steve Jobs delayed cancer surgery 9 months to try that advice and its the biggest mistake he ever made
    #29     Dec 21, 2011
  10. Maverick74


    I never said "you" were abusing your coverage. I simply said that the policy will reflect going forward how you use it. And btw, that has nothing to do with pre-existing conditions. You can bet your last dollar that your rates will go higher the more you use your coverage. The government can't stop that from happening. Getting rid of the lifetime maximums also got priced into the new policies as most companies have raised premiums substantially.

    I don't know why this is so hard for you to understand. If you modify the policy, you modify the pricing of that policy. Insurance is priced like a stock option. If you change one variable, then the premiums change. In the end, we all pay for it. There is no magic.
    #30     Dec 21, 2011