Matt Damon Blasts Obama...Again!

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Maverick74, Dec 21, 2011.

  1. I have my posted my answer to this numerous times and as much as you follow my posts I'm sure you read it
    #11     Dec 21, 2011
  2. jem


    but that is the point... we don't need more shit.

    If we were going to go socialist and give everyone health care.... find a way to do it the right way.

    Taking health care costs away from GM might have saved us billions in bailout money.

    What we got from dems is more trillions in shit spending after the neocons wasted trilions on wars and drug supplement payoffs.

    do you realize why the insurance and drug industry did?

    The got Bush to pay them billions in premium drug prices and Obama to force everyone to pay them money.
    #12     Dec 21, 2011
  3. Regarding health care. The U.S. already has about 55%, some say much more, on government health care. That includes Medicare, a good program according to most, all state and city plans, etc. Then we have the military, which brings the percentage up much more. Why not just give everyone a similar option to have a medicare type program? My over 65 friends are big fans, from both sides of the aisle. Sure, it may be single payer, of sorts, but a method of payment, not the health care itself. That's what concerns me, we have great health care, we just have a broker health insurance program.

    #13     Dec 21, 2011
  4. Maverick74


    I don't think you understand what single payer is. Single payer is not just giving everyone healthcare. It's the government taking over health care. This means quality goes to zero but everyone gets it. I will not support that. The solution to healthcare is making it affordable by taking government out of it as much as possible. Most people can afford health care in this country. They just choose to buy crap they don't need instead of taking care of their health.
    #14     Dec 21, 2011

  5. 1.What about who cant afford it

    2.What about people who can afford health insurance but cant get it because of pre existing conditions

    Republicans refuse to address these 2 issues
    #15     Dec 21, 2011
  6. Maverick74


    Regarding issue one, it's a function of cost. If I told you could have insurance for $5 a month, would you? Of course you would. Everyone would. The issue, like everything, is cost. Insurance gets inflated like everything else due to government involvement. The reason is because unlike individuals that are sensitive to price, the government is not. They are indiscriminate about what they pay. And that drives costs up.

    Regarding item 2, that also comes down to cost. If we lowered the cost across the board significantly, then the embedded cost that comes from pre-existing conditions could be priced in more effectively. Once price gets out of control, it becomes a black hole. No matter what government does, it only makes the problem worse.

    The right has been trying to fix by getting government (the cost driver) out of the equation but the left won't let them.
    #16     Dec 21, 2011
  7. Lucrum



    I'm of the opinion our run away college tuition costs are at least partly the fault of "free" federal dollars. Education: Yet another sector the feds have no business being involved with.
    #17     Dec 21, 2011
  8. Maverick74


    Yes. Ron Paul has talked about this endlessly. If you chart college costs back before the Federal Stafford Loan program under Clinton, you will see tuition costs skyrocketed since that program began in the 90's.

    What makes a free market work is that price ultimately controls behavior. If price goes up too much, you get demand destruction. But when the government writes the check, pay the cost no matter how high price goes. This is what causes inflation.
    #18     Dec 21, 2011
  9. The evidence is crystal clear that the private health insurance "industry" is the cost driver. We're the only advanced country with a for-profit private health industry providing care to the majority of the working age population (non-military). We're also the ones with the highest cost by a wide margin.
    A direct comparison between the UK and the US would show this very clearly.
    The real world, as usual, varies very significantly from the right-wing fantasy.
    #19     Dec 21, 2011
  10. Maverick74


    False on all points. The insurance company can't be the cost driver because they don't create the demand. They are simply the broker. Cost always comes from the demand side of the equation.

    And yes while true we are one of the only for profit health care industry in the world, we also have the highest quality by a mile. And we take pride in that. The ideal situation is to keep the quality while driving down the cost.

    We also need to work at getting "healthier". Most of the world doesn't have our diabetes and obesity issues which drive cost higher by creating more "demand" for services. At some point, we need to be held accountable for how we treat our bodies.
    #20     Dec 21, 2011