Math whiz help

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by chuck.ells, Jan 4, 2008.

  1. Is there a formula to work out the answer to “ how many doubles are needed to reach a certain amount”?
    For instance, start with 50. double it = 100, double again =200 and so on. How many doubles, in this way to reach 200 million?

  2. sim03


    50 x 2<sup>n</sup> = 200,000,000

    2<sup>n</sup> = 4,000,000

    n = ln 4,000,000 / ln 2 &asymp 15.20 / 0.69 &asymp 21.93 --> 22 doubles

    Check: 50 x 2<sup>22</sup> &asymp 209.7M > 200M

    If a calculator isn't handy or doesn't have log function, just remember that 2<sup>10</sup> = 1,024 &asymp 1,000. So for every 10 "doubles" simply add 3 zeros to your starting number. For example:

    50 to start off
    10 doubles --> ~50,000
    20 doubles --> ~50,000,000
    and so on.