Master one single technique?

Discussion in 'Trading' started by novicetrader69, Sep 5, 2018.

  1. Sprout


    Yeah,... vocabulary grows with maturity.

    As for your question, you’re kidding or trolling;

    It’s the only thing I post about.
    #41     Sep 8, 2018
  2. Your post comes across as a novice demanding that someone teach you, show you, explain to you things that people took years of study to master. No one can be told A B C and then simply go make money no more than can Tiger Woods give me , a golf newbie, 3 or 4 pointers on hitting a golf ball and then I can go out and make sweet money on the PGA tour.

    People are giving you the type of answers you are getting because we grow weary of the newbie who thinks they are entitled to some magic formula answer that does not exist, simply because they demanded it. When none is provided you whine like baby with shit loaded diaper.

    If your are studying something that is not working no one has the magic key for you, go study something else. Stop demanding we drop what we are doing to help you because you think you are entitled to it.

    Moreover, begging for answers how to solve your own psychological faults in managing trades shows how little you know of the key role managing trades is and that cannot be taught. You think someone can tell you how to control your own brain if you are too weak to do it yourself?

    Self-absorbed, entitled, demanding , shit-filled diaper newbies who are too lazy to put in the thousands of hours of screen time ( which is the only secret) come here with the same questions I have seen in my 13 years here and they never learn.

    The problem with the truth is you dont want to hear it, you would rather dismiss us truth givers because we dont provide your Mr. Magoo as a shortcut.

    Clean out your diaper, re-attach your balls, turn off the Hello Kitty screen saver and sit in front of the computer and study charts until your diaper refills and then do it some more. When you think you looked at enough charts to make your head explode, your are 10% of the way there. I have studied more failed systems than you have pokemon cards and it all is required as part of the study.

    So take it or leave it, but it is the truth. Either focus on your ego that was just punched in the urethra or go and put the work in.

    But here is a pre emptive "Have a nice big steaming cup of go fuck yourself" the next time you feel the need to demand anything from traders who actually make money without lifting your Doritos covered fingers off of the Xbox controller and putting in the time.
    #42     Sep 8, 2018
    mjf61 and novicetrader69 like this.
  3. Handle123


    Toby Crabel, LOL, he was a mentor to me for one and half long unprofitable years but he made big bucks off of me. Talk about slick operators, he had a picture of himself in Stock & Commodities, but it was a pencil image of himself, LOL, so I flew to Chicago for a Saturday and Monday morning visit for one on one seminar, and he was working for a broker B/K? don't remember but at CME, Saturday morning at 8am went in and some dude sitting there, bald and looking like stepped of the plane in Hawaii and he said he was Crabel, and I said you not like the magazine makes you look in your 50s and full head of hair, he said he was to show the public a better representation of himself. I should have left right then. He then "taught" what can be found in any charting book. I had paid for twelve months before for daily letter of $350 a month for fax. He was in middle of writing his book and never touched upon anything on his daily letter. I asked him if he traded what he recommends and he tells me to stay objective, he doesn't, what? So I go there on Monday morning, everyone is there and they take me to his "real" office, cubbyhole in a supply room, mid morning one of the partners owning the brokerage who trades in Live Cattle pit runs in and doesn't notice me screams at Crabel on his ORB setup didn't work again.

    I found out each morning he would slide his fax under the door of every office in that building for free. I stayed with letter till subscription ran out. When he had book published, he sent me one, and when I went to visit CME, I stopped by, he wasn't at same broker, don't recall next one and he gave me four more books, he said he couldn't sell them himself so he was giving them away.

    He must have some incredible traders working for him.
    #43     Sep 8, 2018
    777 and beginner66 like this.
  4. @El OchoCinco what I was trying to say is that sentences as the one by AAAintheBeltway are of little value. What AAAintheBeltway said can be found everywhere, in books, on sites, etc. If one's intent is to give a real advice and share something of value and attempt to add something more should be made even in the form of an example. Otherwise you simply go your way and say nothing because anyway you said nothing.

    As for your insults, well, they already say it all :rolleyes:

    Last edited: Sep 8, 2018
    #44     Sep 8, 2018
  5. Everything can be found in books because the information is not secret. Everyone knows where to read about price action, trade management, trade psychology etc... it is out there so if someone does not know it, it is only because they are too lazy to research.

    What is the secret sauce is the time spent in front of charts working, practicing and trading, something no one can tell you how to do. It's like NIKE says...just do it.

    The fact that you are still focused on the information that is already out there for all to read but you want it handed to you like fast food and not focused on the work is why you fail.

    Plain and simple. Failure is easy to spot here because of the above.
    #45     Sep 8, 2018
    speedo likes this.
  6. lol, I was convinced only god owned the truth :D

    #46     Sep 8, 2018
  7. Its ok to have only one technique as long as you are not trying to use in all market conditions. Most highly successful traders have mastered more than one technique to use as market conditions change. That's why most indicators fail. They work great in their optimum market but fail horribly if the market conditions change and the trader fails to realize it.
    #47     Sep 8, 2018
  8. SunTrader


    Trade pattern failures.
    #48     Sep 8, 2018
  9. Well clearly part of having a strategy is knowing when it is applicable and when it is not

    #49     Sep 8, 2018
  10. schweiz


    The good strategy should tell you what to do and when to do it. That's the aim of a strategy.
    So the strategy should indicate if something is applicable or not. My strategy tells me when I should do nothing and wait. A good strategy covers all potential scenario's. And not trading is also a scenario, and part of the strategy.
    #50     Sep 8, 2018
    They and novicetrader69 like this.