Massive hacking exposed hospitals, workplaces, schools, Tesla plants

Discussion in 'Networking and Security' started by JSOP, Mar 10, 2021.

  1. JSOP


    The hacking group claims that their intention is to expose the danger of massive surveillance. If they are so intent on exposing the danger of massive surveillance, why don't they try to hack the camera surveillance system of China? Their surveillance system is 100X if not more pervasive and invasive than that of us. Are they able to? No. IMO all it exposes is 1) the seriously lacking of security of the surveillance system and 2) the danger of hacking.

    It's really time to strengthen the security of the whole network of United States. Looks like it's wide open everywhere. It's good that this is just a local hacking group that's doing this. Imagine if this is some hacking group from other hostile countries like China and Russia and Iran. And you never know, they might already have...
    HeSaidSheSaid likes this.
  2. several years ago, the NSA's hacking tools were leaked online.... so I wouldn't be surprised in a distant future, we'd have some sort of stuxnet type of hack in one of those US conglomerate companies.
  3. Yep and another example of the blatant Chinese thievery. I know you also participated in at another related thread, I just wanted to chime in to keep count. But of course soon someone will drop in to call all of us racists. Lol.

    athlonmank8 likes this.
  4. JSOP


    Well for the record, it's an imaginary scenario but one just never know. Vigilance and diligence is the key to survival. Complacency is fatal.
    DiceAreCast likes this.
  5. You can assume all your personal information is out on the internet. No one takes security seriously and since there are no repercussions I do not expect anything to change.
  6. Overnight


    Sure they do. Once their passwords "password" and "123456" are hacked, people wisen up.

    They change them to "passwords" and "234567".