Massive government debt bomb! Buy gold now goddamit!

Discussion in 'Commodity Futures' started by TopHat, Nov 21, 2016.

Buy gold now?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. TopHat


    Look! This message is for those who wish to have an intellectual discussion! Obama is printing the money like crazy and attempting to sabotage the Trump Presidency! It is now time to buy!

    The bottom line is the Fed’s radically-unprecedented easy-money policies since the stock panic have created a dangerous US government debt bomb. ZIRP and QE artificially forced interest rates down to record lows, enabling epic overspending by the Democratic government under Obama. The resulting debt load has grown so massive that merely normal interest rates will literally bankrupt the US government.
    gkishot likes this.
  2. vanzandt


    Checkit Dawg... Gold is not going to double by January. But if what you say you truly believe, might I suggest to you to buy some IWM Jan 20 $134 puts for $5.10.

    IWM gapped UP to $118 the day after the election. If you are right in your premise that we have topped.... you will DOUBLE your money on these. Easily.

    Food for thought Bigdawg.
  3. An intellectual discussion, eh?
  4. Maverick74


    You do know the money supply has been tightening right? Or should I have put a spoiler warning first?
  5. Sig


    Don't confuse the man with facts, he wants an "intellectual discussion".
    JackRab likes this.
  6. facts: if rates keep climbing, gold will keep falling
  7. TopHat


    Do you honestly want me to talk in a language that you can understand? You dont understand that Obama is trying to sabotage the Trump Presidency with massive debt dont understand money is being printed like never before seen on this earth...

    So let me talk in language the table of experts at ET only know and thats this thing called the chart. Mind you I try not to talk snake oil charts, but its what they teach you at those prop trading offices which are more like the janitorial closets at actual offices. This is the jive talk you seem to relate to on this ET wesbite.

    We are right at the support for gold and right at resistance point for the dollar. This is an ideal time to buy gold and an ideal time to short the dollar. As you know as an "expert" ET gold trader oil breaks out first and gold follows and the dollar dumps. Mind you, I dont enjoy talking int terms of snake oil charts and anectdotal trends, but this is the only way I can communicate with the minds on this website!
  8. Gotcha


    Considering you just called for a market top here, and then it broke higher, why should we believe you this time? It only took an hour for the market to print new highs and prove you wrong.
  9. Sig


    Yes, please do talk in a language we can understand, preferably English. Whatever you're talking now is gibberish!
    NoBias likes this.

  10. What is Obama doing now that he has not done for the last 7.75 years ?

    The annual budget is passed in September and it begins 1 October.

    The budget has already been established. We have been existing in Fiscal Year 2017 for the Federal Government since 1 October.

    What do you think he is going to do to significantly change our national debt ($19TN) in the next 8 weeks with a Republican dominated House and Senate?
    #10     Nov 21, 2016