Mass shooting in Chicago park. Where is the liberal outrage?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Clubber Lang, Aug 4, 2019.

  1. Shooters were all black. It's only a problem if the shooter is white.
    Buy1Sell2 and AAAintheBeltway like this.
  2. Cuddles


    exGOPer likes this.
  3. No, they're not the same at all. Random killings are rare compared to the daily shootouts in the hood. The question is, why all the pearl clutching for the random events while the daily killings are ignored? The number of dead in the hood astronomically exceed the random killings
    Clubber Lang likes this.
  4. Overnight


    Here we go now.

    With the two super-bad mass shootings over the weekend, every form of "normal" gun violence in the inner cities, which the media never reports on but which happens every damned day/week, will now be used as a rallying call for more gun control.

    It is like...DUDES!

    People die to gun violence every day. Now you are going to report the "normal" or "average gun deaths" in the US as BREAKING NEWS, IT IS ANOTHER KILLING! THAT IS ALL IT IS!"

    The problem with this world is that the people running it are not Gen X, but also that Gen XD has gone totally flaccid. They are mostly the Baby Boomers who have given up. All power has skipped a generation ---> Gen X. We gots baby boomers retiring, and Gen Y in there, and the Gen X-ers in there now are the types that morph into Gen Y because they were fucking pussies to begin with. Where the hell has the American backbone gone. I am so ashamed of Gen X.

    We were the ones who could have made a stand against the boomers whom we rebelled against when we pushed back at them and said , "Mom, why can't I smoke pot or a cigarette? You did when you were my age!"

    They said, "Hon, it was different back then. It was the 1960s. Woodstock and free love."

    To that I say BULLSHIT.

    So we, as a generation of parents, rebelled against ours by doing exactly what they did before we were 18 YO, or whatever. But we have the unmitigated gall to visit those restrictions upon OUR children? Holy SHIT, are we the most hypocritical generation EVER!

    We all grew up telling ourselves that we would never impose the restrictions our folks did on us, on OUR kids. And here we are, same shit different day. No cursing, no smoking, no drinking, no nothing. We, as Gen X, have failed the world. That is the turning point to doom. Because we HAVE visited those restrictions on our children, when we KNEW back then that that was exactly the wrong thing to do.
    Buy1Sell2 likes this.
  5. Buy1Sell2


    We have all the gun laws we need.
  6. Overnight


    And I agree with this statement you just made. More "gun laws" will not solve the problem of someone who is set on killing a whole fuckton of people with a gun.

    Mreh, enough of this politics BS, the futures have opened up for the week, let's have fun trading, yeah? Revisit this gun shit next weekend?
    AAAintheBeltway likes this.
  7. Wallet


    Acording to the stats they are..... the 250 mass killings this year are mainly made up of drug and gang related shootings.
    Clubber Lang and AAAintheBeltway like this.
  8. elderado


    Chicago just needs stronger gun laws and all will be fine. See? Fixed.
    Clubber Lang likes this.
  9. Nine_Ender


    Americans killing Americans is barely news in recent years. That's the common link. Either American social policy is flawed or Americans are more predisposed to violence. Newest trend is some using military grade weapons for maximum damage, so I guess that's news in recent years.
    #10     Aug 5, 2019