Mass bumping of threads

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Tsing Tao, Nov 26, 2012.

  1. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    I made no predictions on any of those threads as far as I know. Its just impossible to focus on current issues when there are dozens of threads being resurrected for the sole purpose of gloating.

    Even if I did make a prediction that you find, feel free to make a new thread with links. Call the thread "horrible election predictions" and have at it within that thread. There's no reason to clutter the whole forum with your vanity.
    #11     Nov 26, 2012
  2. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    It's not free speech when it's hindering the useability of the forum. Once again, make a thread to summarize all the stupid pre-election predictions. There's no reason to bump dozens of them repeatedly just to quote "LOL' and other silly things. It's not like discussion is being generated.

    Using your reasoning, you could argue c-kid is exercising free speech and should be allowed to spam all the forums repeatedly when he posts the Zionist Conspiracy nonsense on all the forums and clogs up the main page before being banned.
    #12     Nov 26, 2012
  3. BSAM


    When you put limits on "free speech", then it is no longer "free speech".
    Brother Tao, you can bet your ass that if Romney would have won, we would have been deluged with the same thing from the far right wing wackos on this board.
    If there could be a compromise, I wouldn't have a problem with one of the liberals here starting a thread like you suggested, which could be used to summarize the pre-election predictions.
    But, rules are a two-way street; for the far left as well as for the far right.

    Got to be careful though, with who gets to decide the definition of "free speech".
    Nobody knows any better than me what kind of twisted crap goes on in P&R.
    #13     Nov 26, 2012
  4. BSAM


    Politics & Religion

    "Not for the faint of heart. If you are easily offended, stay away from this forum! These threads will not appear on the homepage."
    #14     Nov 26, 2012
  5. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    Dude, it's not about who won or the content of what people type. It's about bumping all those threads just to bump them and thereby removing the ability to find the current and relevant threads that have been posted. As for who determines what is Free Speech, that is for the owner of the site to decide. I'm pretty sure if you started a thread with massive racial slanders all over the place, that thread would be removed by Baron or Joe. It has in the past.

    If the ignore function took into account who bumped the thread last and would therefore not put the thread at the beginning of your list if you had that person on ignore, it would be irrelevant.

    At this point, it doesn't really matter whether you agree or not, Joe put a stop to it.
    #15     Nov 26, 2012
  6. There is a world of difference between freedom of speech and spamming.

    If any one of us came on here and just mass bumped 30 threads in an hour, we'd be crossing the line.
    #16     Nov 26, 2012
  7. hughb


    LOLOLOL! Sounds like the "ROMNEY LEADING IN ALL POLLS - DAMB SURE GONNA WIN" crowd is a little embarrassed.

    There's absolutely nothing wrong with bringing them back up and they don't violate any rules. I hope the forum admis will butt out. It adds a little irony that those who are exasperated at ever expanding government are asking the froum government to step in and save them.

    Nobody saw this coming? You guys are supposed to be traders, having an ability to plumb the future. You sit there posting over and over how sure you are that Romney would win, never even considering that he would lose. I can only assume you don't use stop loss orders as well.
    #17     Nov 26, 2012
  8. Totally disagree. Give me the names of the right wingers around here that behave like that...Granted there is alot of back and forth childish bullshit, we all take part in it...but I can't think of one guy on these forums who would spam this board with one sentence replies to three week old threads just to cause that sort of chaos...

    pspr, 377OHMS, Lucrum, Phoenix, Mav88, etc, etc...Can you honestly say any one of these guys would behave like that?
    #18     Nov 26, 2012
  9. Hey, if that's the way you feel, then I think I'll just randomly bring back 50 threads from 2010 in the next hour.

    Fuck it, why even abide by any decorum if that's the way you guys feel about this.

    Remember, you asked for it. Let chaos begin.
    #19     Nov 26, 2012
  10. hughb


    Post whatever you want. And you won't see me crying to the administration to stop you.
    #20     Nov 26, 2012