Marxian-Socialism, rising?

Discussion in 'Economics' started by Jai, Jul 24, 2012.

  1. yes, that was very impolite of you. We have progressed beyond that kind of vulgarity. If you ever watch Cspan, (which is our state sponsered tv (or as you call it the "telly") broadcast)) you will see that we don't shout and interrupt when one of our elected officals is delivering his well thought out response to the next pressing problem.
    #31     Jul 24, 2012
  2. oh, I got you now, sorry, that one went over my head. Yeah, they are playing both sides one against the other. Good point.
    #32     Jul 24, 2012
  3. Humpy


    Here is the future of many a young hopeful under Crapitalism
    #33     Jul 24, 2012
  4. so the fascists control the government, and they are so powerful that both sides will constantly cough up bribes to get a leg up, and as long as nobody wins, the money just keeps flowing in.
    #34     Jul 24, 2012
  5. Humpy


    Obama's war chest is nearly a billion dollars ! And I hope you are not suggesting he might get electected just on his policies and speech making ?
    Oh no he is going to spend all that money on bribing as many people/votes as he can. That's not democracy even. Honest people call it bribery. and corruption.
    Your other hopeful has nearly as much. Did you go to the Koch's for a $50,000 lunch in the Hamptons ? No, well I didn't either.
    American culture or lack of it has spread around the world. Not all bad if you have the money but disastrous for the planet in general.

    from one of your allies
    who is not convinced
    #35     Jul 24, 2012
  6. Humpy


    Just got a piccy of Old Timer with his teeth in lol
    #36     Jul 24, 2012
  7. well Humpy thanks for the advice, I'm still not sure who I will vote for, I guess I'll just have to watch the ads on the telly and see which one of them makes more sense to me. When I can't decide, I figure, the guy who runs the most ads must care the most.
    #37     Jul 24, 2012
  8. zdreg


    they say never bet on the decline of america but maybe this time is really different.

    " When I can't decide, I figure, the guy who runs the most ads must care the most. "
    cares the most about what? getting elected and screwing the people?
    #38     Jul 24, 2012
  9. Humpy


    I was going to vote for Kermit the Frog but I see he hasn't enterred the race yet !

    OK so it's Mickey Mouse again !

    #39     Jul 24, 2012
  10. Humpy


    Coming to think of it non - Americans will have to vote elsewhere.

    go it Mickey for the unofficial President

    you gotta da brains
    you gotta da looks
    Haff ya gotta da balls
    #40     Jul 24, 2012