marriage and government

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Gordon Gekko, Jan 1, 2004.

  1. And while you're at it, I'd like to hear you discuss whether or not you think NAMBLA philosophy should be allowed. Their byline states, "NAMBLA's goal is to end the oppression of men and boys who have mutually consensual relationships." If it's "mutually consensual", then what's wrong with it? We're just animals right? Why shouldn't we do what feels good? What right does the government have in changing the behavior of two mutually consenting homo sapiens? Is this because government has been brainwashed for years by all those wacked out Christians (and Jews)?
    #11     Jan 2, 2004
  2. Simple.
    Legal consent requires that you be an adult.

    A child is legally labeled a child because the child has not
    yet developed enough to make rational choices.
    And some never do :D

    Mythical religious morals are not required to properly label NAMBLA immoral. Give me a break.



    #12     Jan 2, 2004
  3. Excuse me... but what the hell does atheism have to do with this?
    Atheism is not a moral system. Its simply lack of god belief.

    atheists have all kinds of different moral systems.
    Some even believe in marriage for rational reasons.

    Atheism does not necessarily degrade into hedonism because a lack
    of belief in god/gods does NOT necessarily imply
    hedonistic behavior, or narcissism, or being selfish,
    or anything other than not believing in god/gods... etc...

    Your making a ton of unsupported assumptions here.

    "...w/ little to no regard as to what is best for any children involved... "

    Again, totally false. You have NO idea how an atheist
    regards the children. They may all have very different
    view points on this. Atheism implies NOTHING about how
    an atheist would regard the children.

    Why are you theists so fricken confused about atheism???
    I just dont get it. Where do you get all this crap from?
    Does the church feed you this bullshit about atheists
    every weekend or something??



    #13     Jan 2, 2004
  4. I hope you're up this late trading forex!

    Of course that's what I expected you to say. But then here are my follow up questions:

    1. At what age is a child a child? 18? 15? 12? What right do you have in your 30's or 40's to tell someone who is a 16 year old homo sapiens if they're in love or not?
    2. If we are really just animals, why shouldn't a child that's really "in love" be able to make his or her own decision?
    3. If we're really just animals, what rights do the parents have to make a decision for the child? Why can't a friend or neighbor that really feels he cares about the child make that kind of decision?
    4. What makes the traditional family right? Why can't a friendly neighbor be that child's family?

    My point is this: as an athesitic parent the only thing you can really say to your kid is this: "Because if you do that, I'll kill you. That's why!"

    I'm joking around, but I think you know what I'm saying: you have no basis to tell your kids anything if he/she's just a glorified chimp.

    "Why can't I do what feels good, Dad? What's wrong with feeling good?" OR "That's fine for you, Dad. But I think your stupid ideas suck. You live your life your way and I'll live my life mine. Isn't that how you live Dad?"

    If we're just animals, what gives you the right to tell your kid anything?
    #14     Jan 2, 2004
  5. No, it's your own propoganda machine: the ACLU, Planned Parenthood, the Poplulation Council, Alan Guttmacher Inst., etc., etc. that gives me such a wonderful impression of atheism. I have never, at least to my rememberance, heard a sermon on any of this.

    And, sorry, but GG is the one who said religion is responsible for the world's ills. I am just pointing out how wonderful the world is going to be when you stamp out all the Jews and Christians...
    #15     Jan 2, 2004
  6. Sigh...apparently you lack the capability to think, and im not
    here to teach a course on thinking.

    Ask yourself this... why is the legal age 18?????

    HOW did this law come into being?

    HOW do ANY laws come into being if the lawmakers did
    not look up to the sky and ask the big man above?

    COME ON shoeshine, stop playing dumb and use your head.

    You ain't fooling anyone. You gonna sit there and tell me
    you are completely incapable of coming up with good
    answers to your questions?

    If you answer a sincere yes, I will be very disappointed in
    your thinking capabilities.



    #16     Jan 2, 2004
  7. If one will not answer to God, then they must still answer to the state. Whether one does not kill because he is afraid of punishment from his or her god or whether he or she fears the repurcussions of his or her actions when viewed by the state, morality is then reduced to a byproduct from compliance through the submission to authority.

    What is morality? Don't give me the textbook definition. I want to hear what you, Mr. Axeman, think morality means.
    #17     Jan 2, 2004
  8. Dude.... who is feeding you all this bullshit?? Seriously??

    Now the ACLU, planned parenthood,the population council, etc,
    are ATHEIST propaganda machines???
    Whats this "YOUR own propoganda machine" stuff???

    Well damn... im an atheist and I didnt even know that!
    American Atheists has no relations with these organizations either.

    Hmmm.... back room conspiracy crap or what??



    #18     Jan 2, 2004
  9. Okay, I admit GG knows how to set me off. But do you see your underlying premise here? You are saying that "thinking abilities" are the answer to ethical questions? I ask, "Why?" Why isn't the way your neighbor thinks about families more valid than yours? Why isn't my way of thinking as valuable as yours?

    Here's another series of questions: why should we even have families? Why not just have a communal family? Why not have 3 males and 10 females and 12 kids?
    #19     Jan 2, 2004
  10. Atheism is simply a form of spiritual sickness that each atheist needs to discover and deal with for themself. Atheism is a personal choice to distance oneself from god (or the source) that finds its cause from some deeper psychological pain or condition.

    Atheists are simply in a state of internal isolation from the creator. Naturally, the very nature of free-will gives atheists this choice, but it does not make it the correct one.

    At some point every atheist will have to come to terms with the realization that there is intelligent design to the universe and that they are the ones keeping themselves from true enlightenment.

    I was an atheist for many, many years until I had some profound experiences in my own life. I'm very glad I was given the chance to see the error in my ways, because had I taken that to my death-bed, then when I finally stood before god I would have surely felt an immense sense of remorse for betraying the very thing that has given everyone the greatest gift imaginable -- life.
    #20     Jan 2, 2004