Take a look at http://www.MarketXT.com Apparently, they offer firms the ability to connect to the market using FIX Protocol. You could develop your own trading front-end (which includes your dream of automated trading) and connect to MarketXT. MarketXT is a "trading portal," offering integrated and intelligent access to multiple pools of liquidity (including direct access to Island); an internal order matching engine that supports complex order types and trading strategies, and front-end applications and APIs combining trading analytics with sophisticated execution capabilities. With MarketXT, you can subscribe and connect directly to: >> ARCA Archipelago >> INCA Instinet >> ISLD Island >> MKXT MarketXT >> REDI REDIBook MarketXT supports three Order Types: (http://www.marketxt.com/PageStructure/mstFeatures.asp) >> Limit >> Hidden >> Reserve How do we use MarketXT's FIX Protocol? You would need to be a broker-dealer. If you self-clear your trades you need at least $1,000,000 in net equity. If you use a third-party self-clearing firm, you need at least $500,000 in net equity. All the details on are this page: http://www.marketxt.com/PageStructure/mstBrokerDealers.asp To me, that's a pretty high hurdle. It's possible to create a partnership of traders in which the combined liquidity is at least $1,000,000. We can hire the best software developers to integrate automated trading into our front-end software. MGB
Does anyone have connections at MarketXT? MarketXT doesn't provide a list of clients using MarketXT's technologies. What if we could locate a broker-dealer that already works with MarketXT that, in turn, provides the FIX API to traders to customize their trading front-end? Does anyone know anybody inside MarketXT that could get such a list of broker-dealers? MGB
Apparently, Tradescape.com is a holding company that owns the following subsidaries: 1) MarketXT (http://www.MarketXT.com) 2) Momentum Securities (http://www.trademomentum.com/) 3) Tradescape Online (http://www.tradescapeonline.com/) 4) Tradescape Technologies (no website) MGB
Yep, Omar owns the "ECN" If you want automated trading, tray to contact the guy who started this thread: http://www.siliconinvestor.com/stocktalk/subject.gsp?subjectid=28734 I don't know how to contact him, but he told me at the Expo that he does automated trading. Bill
>If you want automated trading, tray to >contact the guy who started this thread: >I don't know how to contact him, but he >told me at the Expo that he does automated >trading. The gentlemen to which you refer(Eric) is not actively trading at this time. I spoke with him just a few days ago. Turok
Omar ??? He is the CEO of Tradescape. Incredibly bright guy. There is another guy that used to work with Townsend, but I believe he is with them now. His name is Mitu (I'm sure I spelled his name wrong). He would probably be a great guy to talk to as well. JB, What's up with Eric? Did he take the position at Teach Me to Trade or Maverik Trading or did he go back to Pristine. It seems like he vanished from the face of the earth Bill
>What's up with Eric? There are probably others around who would know more than I. I just told me that due to a position at a software firm he hadn't been auto-trading since earlier in the year. He was a very helpful guy and I sure wish him well. JB
He's with teachmetotrade.com. I think he's currently pretty busy putting the finishing touches on a new version of the Tradeseeker realtime scanner (formerly Pristine ESP).