Market order placed prior to opening

Discussion in 'Trading' started by jj_jere@hotmail, Dec 10, 2001.

  1. Will a market order placed prior to the opening be treated the same as a "market on opening order" on the NYSE?
    Will a limit order with a "fill or kill" condition placed prior to the opening be treated the same as a "limit on opening order" on the NYSE?
    Most brokers don't seem to have on opening orders?
    Thank you. JJ
  2. Magna

    Magna Administrator

    You didn't mention what broker you're with, as each handles these things differently.
  3. I'm currently looking for a broker that let's you place "on opening" orders. There's not many that do. I found one that allows "fill and kill" orders; hense the post.
    As I'm not getting many replys, I assume not many traders use these type of orders. As a swing trader using the "skyscraper" and "bottom feeder" approach, I have found that my best results were using "on opening" prices for both entries and exits.
    Thanks; JJ