Market Deltas in Balanced / Unbalanced Markets

Discussion in 'Trading' started by wiesman02, Sep 25, 2013.

  1. This is a quote that I came across recently from someone. I apologize who it was from, but i just copy and pasted it and did some of my own research.

    "Not to yank my own chain, but I improved accuracy dramatically by incorporating volume breakdown and deltas in BALANCED MARKET situations, and adopting a different strategy for OUT OF BALANCED (trend) situations."

    I think the poster was talking about the ES. Can anyone help me out and elaborate further on this subject ? I have a feeling it can come in handy on days like this !
  2. anyone ?
  3. I believe he is talking about market delta, not option delta. I think he means out of balance/trend when the product goes vertical up or down, vs non trending sideways action. There are a few good market profilers around, if you learn and understand day types there may be some slight predictive value.

    shadow trader/ tasty trade is good and this guy off the top of my head.

    I think there are cheaper ways to obtain this information though.

    Not even convinced that it has any significant value, but anyway...