Market Delta Chart Comparison

Discussion in 'Technical Analysis' started by BenChi, Dec 14, 2006.

  1. BenChi


    Would someone be kind enough to post an ESIGNAL fed 30 min bid ask footprint of this morning's breakout in the ES. I am demoing the software with the IB platform, and want to make a comparison. I will post the IB chart so that others can compare too. Thanks!

  2. CONR


    How do you like Market Delta?
  3. BenChi


    well, i'm still on the fence - i do think it is quite exceptional, but it is also quite expensive ($159 per month), and i'm not sure how useful it is with the IB data feed - also, it has crashed a number of times when i have attempted to create some different kinds of charts - i'm going to continue evaluating for the rest of my trial - and then hopefully do a trial with Esignal too.

    anyway, would really appreciate if someone could take the time to post a chart with the above parameters. thanks again.

  4. CONR


    Thanks. Will be interested to see your results.


    People in the room i belong to love the IRT ( version of market delta. The market delta version is nice. They have used that version. They prefer the IRT version better. In addition, they prefer the esignal data feed over the IB feed. The IB feed lumps ES volume & is not as accurate as the esignal feed with the volumne totals.
  6. BenChi


  7. BenChi


    thanks for posting the chart 5...

    wow! you have to be kidding me. they look NOTHING alike...

    there is not even any point in trying to do this with IB, i wonder why MD bothers to distribute an IB compatible version?
  8. BenChi


    here is the IB chart
  9. BenChi


    and here is 5pillars DTN IQ
    #10     Dec 15, 2006