Market Crash Monday!

Discussion in 'Trading' started by Garbage Can Ray, Dec 10, 2010.

  1. Shortie called it in another thread.

    "Does anybody here still remember Hindenburg Omen? By my count we have at least until December 13 2010 to fulfill it. 122 days is the longest stretch between the omen and the subsequent bottom (except 2008 case when it took 246 days). This year we had the omen on Aug 12."

    You are forewarned...If it doesn't happen though, blame Shortie, not me! I am longer than John Holmes:D
  2. i already forgot that my prognosis was valid was until 13th!

    I already have a headline for WSJ: "Monday The 13th - The Day Market Wishes To Forget!"
  3. Market will and have to go up again on Monday and the rest of next week,even the interest rate thing from China will pause the market for a short while, however, other "good news " (although most are already well known) like the tax bill extension and etc will give the market an "excuse" to go up and UP ..

    Bottom line is those not so smart fund Mgr have and forced to invest in the market now as most of them are under inverst at the moment, and they don't want to be looked like idiot for under-invest (although they are indeed idiot as we all know - See my post three days ago!!)

    My Call option already went up for nearly 70%, , I am going to sell my "trade secret" here for $5000 subscription for a month, free one to one coaching, all major credit cards are accepted :D

    Summary - Follow the flow (although it has been created by those not too smart people) and go LONG LONG LONG !!!!!!! :p :D :cool:
  4. i am moving the post that apparently inspired this thread here:
  5. Wall Street Journal


    Financial traders and big investors on Wall Street are already referring to today's death defying 15% plunge in the Dow Jones Industrial Average as Black Monday.

    A circuit breaker was triggered on the New York Stock Exchange within 10 minutes of the opening bell as stock prices went into free fall. When the exchange re-opened 1 hour later, the major averages continued to plummet.

    The crash was triggered by a default in Greece and widespread rioting across Europe over the weekend. Many observers believe that today's events are a precursor to a second Great Depression which will sweep across the globe.

    As the markets closed on their lows for the day, a palpable sense of despair descended on Wall Street. One Journal reporter who was outside of the commodity exchanges in Chicago said that the traders filing out of the building at the end of the day looked like they had seen a ghost...
  6. Wall Street Journal


    Financial traders and big investors on Wall Street are already referring to today's 15% up in the Dow Jones Industrial Average as Red Monday.

    A circuit breaker was triggered on the New York Stock Exchange within 10 minutes of the opening bell as stock prices went up into the root. When the exchange re-opened 1 hour later, the major averages continued to fly up to the root.. It appears it is due to average American believe they finally be safe by the news for the tax extension..

    The up trend was triggered by a decision from Chinese Government to keep the rate unchanged over the weekend in order to save the world.

    As the markets closed on their high that never been seen before, a palpable sense of cheers descended on Wall Street. One Journal reporter who was outside of the commodity exchanges in Chicago said that the traders filing out of the building at the end of the day looked like they had seen a angel that descend and save their world, everyone are happy and live happily after that forever.
  7. who cares the fed will the PPT will buy and sell order..

    there is very little selling.nobody is selling or so little that fed can just buy it.

    the fed is now the LEAD market maker via goldman sachs..they control the market.

    the mandate is to keep the market rising those are the orders from the FED.

    that is the never fight the fed. but like is said the fed is in trouble now...the fed is bankrupt or insolvent and the US is bankrupt.

  8. Rabie, ah am bug inning ta tink dat yo be ma eve-ile twin. So doan tekk no off-ense at dis poste. But da fat lady woan screem in ek-stacy till dis bitch (attach) hit tree pro-cent.

    Hint: we gots a ways to go!
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    #10     Dec 10, 2010