"Market Commentary" Article being passed around trading pits

Discussion in 'Politics' started by jficquette, Sep 19, 2008.

  1. sg20


    Bill Clinton started the globalization campaign that shifted US companies over to China which resulted in the huge number of job losses here at home not including lost of technologies and a highest trades deficit of all time. Did you also know that he sold the port of Los Angeles to China?

    You need to learn your economy because this mess was the result of corruptions by financial constitutions such as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac which your buddy Obama was happy to be a part of. He can't even make up his mind on issues leave alone to govern this country.
    #31     Sep 20, 2008
  2. wow you really don't know your history....FDR was the single greatest president we've had. There is a reason this country elected him 4... yes... FOUR times. He was inovative and creative, of course socialistic as he needed to be during the hardest economic times this country has known. What the current Rep adm is doing FDR did in spades and only because of his leadership did we not only survive but as a nation thrive!

    BTW your dad is wrong...it was IKE that got us into Vietnam...re-read your history
    #32     Sep 20, 2008
  3. IKE? I thought JFK was President at the time. What history book you reading out of anyway?
    #33     Sep 20, 2008
  4. The strangest thing about this article is that the original poster actually typed it up, rather than copy and paste it. Numerous grammatical errors were added that weren't in the original piece in IBD.

    That's a bit irksome. But, goes with the whole fanatic thing I suppose.

    Politicizing the situation is basically absurd in the first place. So the author of the original piece deserves the same level of slight-taste-of-vomit-in-the-back-of-your-throat disdain as the fanatical retyper whose bandied the piece around probably countless such sites as this.

    I think the sane amongst us can all agree at this point that our political system, at the federal level, is fucked from so many angles it should be blocked from the eyes of children anyways. So picking which portion of the tumor is to blame is not really the best use of anyone's resources. Unfortunately, though, I imagine we'll be such a stupid bunch of assholes as to make that debate the centerpiece of culture for the next 40 days.

    Jesus, we suck.
    #34     Sep 20, 2008
  5. Now I finally have verification that you're a kook. :)

    Eisenhower placed 700 military advisors in Vietnam. By JFK's death he had increased our troop presence to 16,000. That's 23x more JFK than IKE. Not to mention it wasn't Ike's CIA who assassinated Diem.


    As far as FDR you're swallowing the kool-aid hard. First off he was a war monger responsible for the death of over 400,000 American troops. He desperately sought war as a remedy to an economy that was NOT responsive to his socialistic implementations. To wit: In 1941, nine years after FDR was elected and 12 years after the 1929 crash, U.S. unemployment stood at over 14%. Two years into the war unemployment was under 2%. http://www.independent.org/publications/article.asp?id=138
    #35     Sep 20, 2008
  6. dinoman


    A story of the Hatfield and McCoys and the American people are caught in the crossfire. Instead of moving to a better place the majority of American people decide to stay in the line of fire and dance around hoping not to get hit.

    Sorry folks, this story ends in a blood bath.
    #36     Sep 20, 2008
  7. GabbyJay


    uh how was he elected 4 times/terms? can't you only be president 2wice?
    #37     Sep 21, 2008

  8. gag.
    #38     Sep 21, 2008
  9. Interesting thread. If only there were a way to check the 'facts' presented by both sides without taking a 2-year sabbatical.

    Also interesting that the article was typed out by the OP. I wonder why.
    Holy Jesus Christ!!! You talking about George W. Bush?? God save me from the wrath of the right, but I don't think anyone on either side has ever claimed that GWB is bright.
    #39     Sep 21, 2008
  10. It's not a book, it's the Vietnam memorial. The earliest dates on it are under Eisenhower.
    #40     Sep 21, 2008