Mark Haines of CNBC is a A-Hole

Discussion in 'Economics' started by nickdes, Jul 15, 2010.

  1. I never said in my orginal post that the economic expansion was because of cut taxes, in fact i never even mentioned taxes. The fact is that under Reagan the economy expanded like no time before.

    Annual growth of over 4%, over 20 million jobs created, etc etc.
    Unemployment just over 5%. Considering he came into office with high inflation as well as unemployment, thats something to marvel. I believe this carried over into the 90's with Clinton taking much of the credit for doing nothing but breathing.

    Now, I know people will come back with the wild spending. But lets face reality, we have been in a deficit since WW2, have we paid any of it down? means nothing, it will always be there. I am tired of people talking about our next generation being stuck with the deficit, 3 generations were stuck with it and no one said a word. The deficit itself is meaningless. HOWEVER, the interest we have to pay on it is a problem. That never gets talked about it but thats the only problem with the deficit. But really even the interest is just a minor problem.
    #31     Jul 16, 2010
  2. nickdes


    I agree with the premise of this portion of your statement, however, when we can NOT meet our interest payments then what? (You think this is a minor problem?) Well NUFF said. . .
    #32     Jul 16, 2010
  3. We will just borrow to pay the interest. Thats how it works and thats how it will continue to work. And if a country does not want to buy our bonds, well we got some bombs we can give away....
    #33     Jul 16, 2010
  4. Mark might be an A--Hole..but he's got a good gig and most likely makes a bit more than $75K a yr.
    So what's the problem?
    #34     Jul 16, 2010
  5. Haines the A-hole whom I haven't watched in years probably makes 1.5-2.0mil per year.

    "Talent" (guffaw) can demand pay.
    #35     Jul 16, 2010