March Fed Funds Rate: 2.50%, Thanks Bernanke

Discussion in 'Trading' started by MrDODGE, Feb 27, 2008.

  1. Our currency is also toilet paper. Even the afforementioned toilet paper has been gaining on the USD.
    #11     Feb 27, 2008
  2. Cause this because they run the market up so high that it takes years to adjust? So you want the US just like the Japan, run the market so high, and then try to control inflation. How low do you want the dollar to drop?
    #12     Feb 27, 2008

  3. :confused:
    #13     Feb 27, 2008
  4. Why dont you just admit you're stuck with a portfolio of financial stocks and just want the fed to rescue YOU. I'm so sick of reading the crap you idiots write about inflation not being the problem. It's by FAR the biggest problem facing most people in this country. Go tell a retiree on fixed income that he cant eat today so Citi can give its executives 160 million golden parachute. I'll believe that these financials are facing armaggedon when I stop seeing these insane bonus packages given to executives left and right. Let the banks fail or succeed on their own. If a bond insurer fails, so be it. Someone like Buffet will step in and start a new one. Its just sickening all this save me, save me crap going around. They made their bed now lye in it or burn in it. I should not lose the value of my money to save their fucking asses.
    #14     Feb 27, 2008