many religious meat eaters don't care about killing animals

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Weeble, Aug 18, 2003.

  1. uhh....gordy, it's out there already...i've seen it on people's's a bit darker green than your usual grass...although i'm sure there's alotta diff kinds...
    #31     Aug 19, 2003
  2. I feel its a personal decision whether you are a meat eater or not and my rights should not be interfered with
    #32     Aug 19, 2003
  3. Noticed how nobody touched this quote with a ten foot pole....
    #33     Aug 19, 2003
  4. maxpi


    A question for the enviro-left minority: If the global temperature has no noticeable rise why are the ice caps melting at the poles?
    #34     Aug 19, 2003
  5. stu


    Whether it's a veggie or Dracula driving a SUV is a DIFFERENT argument. Because SUV's pollute doesn't mean it's ok for meat production to pollute and vice versa does it?.

    It's a separate argument as to whether it is desirable to kill animals to eat and ...

    especially if it is right to unnaturally and unnecessarily encourage the mass production of animal meat for over consumption at the same time causing widespread pollution and...

    more especially still that its ok to ANY extent because a God says it's ok and it isn't ok at the same time.

    I get your point about hypocrites and some animals being killed as a consequence of producing food for veggies, but are you seriously suggesting that veggies could or would intentionally or inadvertently create the same results as the list supplied by -EntropyTrader on page one??

    I don't disagree with you in essence, but if the processing of meat becomes -or already is - so disgusting, who will you become accountable to? Your kids...? if it should turn out that the place got badly messed up by greedy thick head farmers who want to pump livestock so full of anti-biotics, just to speed up growth and $$$'s, that your kids' health is compromised by superbug resistence, will this accountability help then ??

    Good stewardship yes, accountability yes, before it gets bad, not inhumane couldn't give a damn cause jesus said it was ok and the gov will bail me out if I mess up anyway crap, and the next generations of kids are made to pick up the tab in Carlsbad and most other places too.
    #35     Aug 19, 2003
  6. jem


    Dude I think you are overreacting to the religion aspect of this argument. Meat eaters are saying its a choice and leave me alone and because veg heads tend to camp with liberals who lately have no qualms about taking away liberties in pursuit of the greater good. We ask who do you think your are to claim the higher ground?

    Our fallback position is that our society is based on judeo christian values so who are you to change them. Consequently since the book spawning these values (if you do not believe in the source) says eat meat. We say hey we eat meat we always ate meat who are you to rip us for it and if you want to claim the moral ground you will have to go though Jesus.

    Now your other points about the meat do give me pause and I wish it were different.
    #36     Aug 19, 2003
  7. ElCubano


    oy boy.... I lost you somewhere...sorry...peace
    #37     Aug 19, 2003
  8. damir00

    damir00 Guest

    i hear you, it's tough. i try, hard, but i cannot say i am without blame as well.

    #38     Aug 19, 2003
  9. Maverick74


    Yeah If I was a liberal preaching about death to animals so we can eat our meat, I wouldn't want to touch the subject of abortion either. I mean what compares to sticking a f*cking needle into a woman's body and into the brain of an unborn but living child while we the doctor sucks its brains out while the child is grasping for life. Yeah this kind of cruelty pales in comparison to what we do to cows. Of course only a liberal will find the joy in the killing of tens of millions of unborn children. Can someone say hypocrite?
    #39     Aug 19, 2003
  10. jem


    OH YEAH AND THE POINT ABOUT SUVS REALLY PISSES ME OFF. Bill Maher and others of that pompous know it ALL ilk who apparently do not have familes support liberal interventionist laws like madatory child seats for what up to 5 years olds or more whom we cant leave in the car so we have to have strollers.

    Have you non child rearing idiots every tried to fit child seats into a honda. What a bunch of assholes. You need a big fricken car to comply with the law. Big cars get poor mileage. SO YOU DO NOT LIKE MY SUV THEN NEXT TIME I WILL BUY A CADILLAC YOU MINDLESS INTERVENTIONIST DOPES. This was really aimed at all the dopes who echoed this mantra in the media and not a particular person on this thread.
    #40     Aug 19, 2003