Managing Money...............?

Discussion in 'Professional Trading' started by Gcapman, Jul 9, 2010.

  1. On every topic you have ever posted, it has been consistently pointed out that you are a retard that speaks out of his ass just for the sake of attention. You don't know what you are talking about. Period. It's not even an insult at this point, it's a fact. By pointing this out, hopefully more of the newer members start to recognize you for what you are, an entertaining joke.

    I have stated enough in this thread. You have no idea how institutions operate and how they decide and give allocations. It is actually done by submitting your marketing materials to their coverage staff, who then submit to their Managing Directors after doing an initial call if they are interested. A lot of this is actually done by cold leads, phone calls and emails. Marketers are generally employed/contracted to do this. At that point it's simply a matter of substance, the background of the manager, performance numbers, the strategy, etc. The biggest barrier toward getting access to institutions is AUM and years of documented performance. Along with that are the costs behind proper counsel, administrator & auditors.

    No matter your connections, there is a lot of red tape at institutions with constantly tightening regulations. Obviously there is a degree of variation, especially depending on the size of the institution.
    Connections & hookups & knowing people actually matter a lot more with individual investors, venture funds, PE firms and investor groups.
    #21     Jul 9, 2010
  2. Now then...

    Let's get this point clear....a person can trade on another person's account (LPOA) for a performance fee and does NOT require any formal licences (CTA)...

    Have I got that right?...regardless of the source of accounts...OR

    Does this only apply when the individual GIVES the funds directly to you and the trader is responsible for the funds whether it be a sole account or a registered entity.

    Anaconda...look forward to your comments or anybody else that does know...

    #22     Jul 10, 2010
  3. OUTSTANDING!!!!!! and so so so very true.:cool:
    #23     Jul 11, 2010
  4. Anybody have an answer?


    #24     Jul 17, 2010
  5. IN FX:

    You can manage money up to 15 investors without any registration if I remember correctly.

    The cost of managing a fund in an offshore location in Europe was (about 2 months ago) about 10/15000 US$ per month. That was covering the cost of Admin,Lawyers, Accounting etc....

    If you take a 2% management fee, you would need at least 7/8 mio US$ AUM to breakeven.

    To be honest with you.. most of the people now asking for transparency. I decided to outscource everything outside of trading, execution and research.

    That give me the chance to concentrate on what I do best and to proove that I have nothing to hide.

    As someone said earlier
    Try to build up a LIVE track record as a start with your own money and take it up from there.

    Trading as a business is not only making stellar return... there is alot of other things to take in consideration... It s a business like any other business.
    #25     Jul 29, 2010